You did pretty well for eating out I reckon. I'm not usually that good when confronted with lots of yummy puds on the menu.
I still can't work up much enthusiasm for SW 100% at the moment, I really don't know what's up with me, I've not had this since I started way back in February. I know I'm going to show a gain, a good 3lb I reckon, when I weigh in tomorrow as my period has only started today and it takes at least three or four days for the extra water weight to go, plus I've had a few off days this week. I'm finding it really hard to feel enthusiastic about it. I think its the a combination of hormones, cold dreary weather, stress at home, lots to do for Christmas etc, not just one thing but I feel one step from just saying I can't be bothered and having a right old binge. Yet that is quite scary, as I want to be in control of what I'm eating... not slip back into throwing all kinds of junk down my neck and regaining the lost weight.
I'm really really hoping to just be good enough up to Christmas, once totm is over, to not gain anything, then have a couple of days off and somehow find a whole bunch of willpower, enthusiasm and fight to start off the new year and lose another stone and a half.
So, please tell me you've had a good day and that at least one of us will be looking at a loss tomorrow?