NannyDoreen & Upndown's daily diaries

Morning all. Your extra food Linda made me remember when I went to see my brother yesterday they had a whole section on one side of the kitchen with left over snacks. I don`t doubt my brother will get through them.
It doesn`t matter about plans for last week, start again today below the line ______________________________

I need to go shopping at some point today, not my favourite task. But I showed myself yesterday that I don`t have to have loads of yogurt in the fridge, I just need bananas & pears. I think I had 5 bananas yesterday and they were more satisfying than any yogurt. By 7 I had had my meals and there was nothing left to eat except stuff like beans, peas, eggs that sort of stuff. That is why I put my night clothes on. I wasn`t hungry just wanted to eat. Had diet lemonade, that stopped some of the craving,

Good luck with your planning today ladies. Have a nice day too. We CAN do it together. :grouphugg:

thanks for the much needed line - I will stay on the right side of the line today and will hang on to it until I'm back in the zone!

Yes I'm like u - in that I sometimes eat when I'm not hungry but unlike you I'm not using my willpower lat the moment! Determined to do that today!

Agree that bananas can be more filling than yogurt especially with a hot drink. Hope u bought some nice healthy food today!xx
I have made a decision about bread. I usually buy Warburtons wholemeal 400g loaf. Just out of curiosity yesterday I decided to weigh some of the slices as they were Very thin. SW say 60g of any wholemeal bread for a healthy B choice. I went through the whole loaf and apart from using a crust I could get three slices for 62g. If it includes the crust then it is nearer 60g.

Therefore I have decided to check the weight of my bread each day.

Yesterday I only had to count 1 syn value to have a sarnie. Today I had one for breakfast and 2 for a sandwich lunch time for no extra syns so I like that.

Yes Doreen ur right - we do need to be accurate in what we're eating - it's so easy to go under or over when we're guessing the amount!xx
I ended up going to the local co-op. Got some bananas, frozen raspberries & yogurt.

Before that went to the local cafe for a latte. Theirs is just 200ml skinny milk & the normal coffee so cost me 3 syns.
At one point the owner gave me a couple of their latte glasses so I was able to measure it for myself. Then outside the cafe is a greengrocer stall just closing for the day so got a cheap a bns and some carrots and a bundle of lovely grapes.
Good shopping eh? Tesco can wait.

I do hope whatever is in my head stays with me. Would love to share it with you. Lets hope I can keep it up. :eek:
I ended up going to the local co-op. Got some bananas, frozen raspberries & yogurt.

Before that went to the local cafe for a latte. Theirs is just 200ml skinny milk & the normal coffee so cost me 3 syns.
At one point the owner gave me a couple of their latte glasses so I was able to measure it for myself. Then outside the cafe is a greengrocer stall just closing for the day so got a cheap a bns and some carrots and a bundle of lovely grapes.
Good shopping eh? Tesco can wait.

I do hope whatever is in my head stays with me. Would love to share it with you. Lets hope I can keep it up. :eek:

great shopping Doreen - yes wouldn't it be good if we pass on our motivation to others eh? But it's up to me to get back on on plan - ok so far - feeling determined today!xx
It is apparently written up in Woman mag. I now know you can have a little carb if you really want. But the point of SP is only have S & P foods. Not generally free foods. It is a little confusing so yes Kathy I would read up on it. I hope I am not confusing you. :rolleyes:

No, you're definitely not confusing me, Doreen. Thanks for the info! Seems daft how it's written up in the Woman mag but hardly a mention (that I can see anyway) in SW magazine!

Thought we would have used up all the Christmas food today but there's still some left so, instead of re-starting tomorrow (dreading what I'll weigh), I'm going to re-start on Tuesday. I'm also back at work tomorrow so will probably not be in the right frame of mind to be good! :( Roll on Tuesday! We've got some friends coming to stay with us in August, from Australia and don't want them thinking how much weight we've put on since we saw them last in 2008. Hoping that'll act as an incentive! :)

Good luck with your slimming journey, ladies. Please could you send some of your determination and planning this way, Doreen! :) xx
I can send you a vibe :vibes::vibes::vibes:eek:r 2 or 3. and a line ______________________________

I have read a lot about the new plan and I am afraid in the EESP there is a bit of contradiction between online and what consultants are telling us.

Good luck Kathy with catching those vibes. xx
Sunday 4th Jan

Breakfast 9am.
1 slice bread 23g, 1 egg. tbsn beans coffee.

39g WM bread tomato. 1.1/2 sains low fat sausages, (1.1/2 syns) 39g WM bread.

200ml skimmed milk coffee (3 syns)

Dinner: Chicken stew - carrots, onion, swede, spud. oxo cubes. Gravy Granule 2 tsp.(2 syns)
Banana Coffee

Lates frozen raspberries & yogurt. Few grapes

6. 1/2 syns unless I have a Baileys.

No Baileys but forgot co-op yogurt 1.1/2 syns. so 8 total
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After reading Doreen's post - I decided to re I decided to make sure my food is fully on plan for a week (no guess work!) state where food is speed, protein etc, weigh all HE's, synned stuff etc. So thanks for that Doreen!

Here's how it went:

brunch: 2 egg omelette s, 30g mature cheddar hea, bacon - all fat removed p baked beans p, HP sauce 1 syn, huge apple s
tea: SW turkey curry p, with onions, tomatoes, carrots & peppers, rice
fruit tea
Sunday 4th Jan

Breakfast 9am.
1 slice bread 23g, 1 egg. tbsn beans coffee.

39g WM bread tomato. 1.1/2 sains low fat sausages, (1.1/2 syns) 39g WM bread.

200ml skimmed milk coffee (3 syns)

Dinner: Chicken stew - carrots, onion, swede, spud. oxo cubes. Gravy Granule 2 tsp.(2 syns)
Banana Coffee

Lates frozen raspberries & yogurt. Few grapes

6. 1/2 syns unless I have a Baileys.

well done - Gypsy Linda sees another good loss for u this week in her crystal ball hee- hee!xx
Thanks Kathy - having a lazy day today - pulled turkey curry out of the freezer! Good luck for Tuesday's back on plan day!xx
Thanks Kathy - having a lazy day today - pulled turkey curry out of the freezer! Good luck for Tuesday's back on plan day!xx

Pulled turkey curry sounds yum x how do you cook it xx
Pulled turkey curry sounds yum x how do you cook it xx

Sorry - when I wrote 'pulled' I meant I pulled the curry I'd cooked a few days ago out of the freezer!

It's just fried, chopped garlic & onion with with tinned tomatoes, mushy peas, chopped carrots & peppers with, cumin, korma curry powder, 6 cardamom pods, cooked until veg are soft, then remove the cardamom pods and blitz with a blender if you want a smooth curry.

Then add chopped turkey & heat thro - add salt and pepper if it needs it - I find it tastes better the next day!

hope the children are feeling better xx
Sorry - when I wrote 'pulled' I meant I pulled the curry I'd cooked a few days ago out of the freezer!

It's just fried, chopped garlic & onion with with tinned tomatoes, mushy peas, chopped carrots & peppers with, cumin, korma curry powder, 6 cardamom pods, cooked until veg are soft, then remove the cardamom pods and blitz with a blender if you want a smooth curry.

Then add chopped turkey & heat thro - add salt and pepper if it needs it - I find it tastes better the next day!

hope the children are feeling better xx

Oh lol still its something i havent tried yet so will give it a go next week :)
Yes the kids are definitely better lol making up for being quiet last week lol
Oh lol still its something i havent tried yet so will give it a go next week :)
Yes the kids are definitely better lol making up for being quiet last week lol

enjoy - it's easy and quick to make too - do u use Kathy's thread - delicious meals with minimum ingredients - a great thread with hundreds of recipes! xx
enjoy - it's easy and quick to make too - do u use Kathy's thread - delicious meals with minimum ingredients - a great thread with hundreds of recipes! xx

I think i am subscribed to it lol x
Sorry - when I wrote 'pulled' I meant I pulled the curry I'd cooked a few days ago out of the freezer!

It's just fried, chopped garlic & onion with with tinned tomatoes, mushy peas, chopped carrots & peppers with, cumin, korma curry powder, 6 cardamom pods, cooked until veg are soft, then remove the cardamom pods and blitz with a blender if you want a smooth curry.

Then add chopped turkey & heat thro - add salt and pepper if it needs it - I find it tastes better the next day!

hope the children are feeling better xx

Sounds yummy, I still have a bit of turkey breast, thickly sliced, wrapped and frozen as we'd had enough of it and I'd organised other meals for our post Christmas guests. I was going to add it to a risotto but I may well curry it after reading that, we do like a nice easy curry. x
After reading Doreen's post - I decided to re I decided to make sure my food is fully on plan for a week (no guess work!) state where food is speed, protein etc, weigh all HE's, synned stuff etc. So thanks for that Doreen!

Here's how it went:

brunch: 2 egg omelette s, 30g mature cheddar hea, bacon - all fat removed p baked beans p, HP sauce 1 syn, huge apple s
tea: SW turkey curry p, with onions, tomatoes, carrots & peppers, rice
fruit tea

Looking good Linda.
Keep that up and we will both lose this week.

well done - Gypsy Linda sees another good loss for u this week in her crystal ball hee- hee!xx

Well Miss Gypsy to make sure your ball works I had best keep to plan. :whip:
Looking good Linda.
Keep that up and we will both lose this week.

Well Miss Gypsy to make sure your ball works I had best keep to plan. :whip:

Thanks - yes and you keep on plan too Doreen - I don't want my fortune telling going down hill!!xx