Nanny Doreen
Nanny Doreen Red and Green from 25.8.19
You probably needed ten mins on here to sit down for a rest Doreen!! Busy indeed xx
10 mins sit down, busy that was nothing. Here is out it went from 8.25 to 1045. Got to school, Faye did not pick up her packed lunch. Never mind I fetch is later, Oh and Nanny I need some travel sickness bands for the school trip tomorrow.
Gets to Flynns school one of the mums says `do you know they have to have an easter bonnet for church service in the morning? No says I. They said to go to Sainsbury and get a hat and decorate with chicks. Go hoe, take Fayes lunch to school, 20min round trip. Go to Sains to get hat and chicks, phew not cheep
Home again, let dog out for a wee, cook breakfast and coffee sit down to eat it. Phone rings - private number - hanf up. Phone rings again, better answer it, Mum on the phone. Yes she know about easter bonnet, (of course she does) she is going to make one tonightwhen she finds out if they are making something at school.
Give me a break for goodness sake. Eat brekkie whille talking, type this while drinking coffee. Then take dog for a quick walk, back by 11.30 sit down for 1 hr, oh sort wet washing first, back for 11.45. Leave for show at 12.45.
Wow! How do folks cope with this,
Why don`t my son and DIL communicate. Feel better now. No use saying anything, we are as we are and they really don`t need me to tell them.
Thanks for Listening. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :sigh: :needhug::needhug:
:grouphugg: Lovely x