Gold Member
Hi Ladies. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend. Love Wales, Sammyanth! Just hope the rain stops for you. Such a pain after all the lovely weather we've had!
What a clever boy, Flynn is, Doreen! Boys, especially, aren't always keen on reading, are they? It's the key that will help him so much with his overall learning too so, that's great, that he's top of the class.
Gosh! Just realised how text bookish that sounds. Sorry! 
Sounds like you've been very busy in your garden, Doreen. Makes such a difference when it's all tidied up.
Sorry to hear you've gone a bit mad Syn wise. Hope you enjoyed it though!
I'm sure you'll manage to pull it back though, before your next WI. I've stayed the same this week, which I'm also disappointed about. I know it's not a gain but I've really stuck to plan. It does this every time, though, which is why it always takes me ages to reach my target weight. Such a nuisance! Just wish it went on as slowly as it comes off!! Pete lost 1lb so he's lost half a stone now, in the three weeks he's been doing it. Really pleased for him, as his job as a driving instructor doesn't help. :7600:
Hope you're enjoying your weekend with your family, Linda. So tricky to stick to plan when friends and family require feeding. I'm sure you'll soon be back on track though. Enjoy your time with them.
Hi to Ann too. Hope you're having a good, extended weekend.
What a clever boy, Flynn is, Doreen! Boys, especially, aren't always keen on reading, are they? It's the key that will help him so much with his overall learning too so, that's great, that he's top of the class.
Sounds like you've been very busy in your garden, Doreen. Makes such a difference when it's all tidied up.
Sorry to hear you've gone a bit mad Syn wise. Hope you enjoyed it though!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend with your family, Linda. So tricky to stick to plan when friends and family require feeding. I'm sure you'll soon be back on track though. Enjoy your time with them.
Hi to Ann too. Hope you're having a good, extended weekend.