NannyDoreen & Upndown's daily diaries

Ooh Upndown are you really doing the salad challenge? I dont think I could face that at present. Ive been out today and bought a ham joint and the vegetables to make the stock into a soup. Its really wintery here. Have a good day everyone. :)
Hi and yes I'm def doing it- weather still warm here but cool early morning and evenings - if it goes cooler I'll hot veg with the salad and warm SW scotch egg, or omelette for lunches and chilli and curry with a warm salad for tea! Hope u've had a good day?
I looked at the salad challenge but don`t think I could do without carbs.

Not much tonight, am tired and going to bed. Have been taking neighbour to see husband in hospital. 45mile round trip each day is a bit tiring for me. Not that I mind. He is in for another 7 days or so.

Hope you have all had a good day.

MY food
Saturday 20th September

Hexa milk hexb 2 bread

B: egg bacon toast
L: banana & grapes
Snack banana and 4 ritz crackers ( 4 syns)
D: chicken breast 1/4m mash, cauli broc peas
Banana & yogurt.

Sarni as hungry before bed. 2 bread(5 syns) with banana

9 syns
another good day - brilliant Doreen!! ur well on the way to ur 2 stone award now - this week eh? woo hoo!! Just noticed too ur in the 16s another WOO HOO in capital letters this time!

Third woo hoo for Doreen the lovely neighbour too! going now before I make u blush! Xx
Hope everyone's had a great on plan day like our leader Doreen! Here's how my RED day went:

Brunch: bacon, egg, mushrooms and bread HEB
Tea: SW burger, bacon, cheese Part HEA, unboring salad today! roll HEB, chips 6 Syns,
milk in 1 coffee part HEA
snacks: 2 apples, orange, banana
Hope everyone's had a great on plan day like our leader Doreen! Here's how my RED day went:

Brunch: bacon, egg, mushrooms and bread HEB
Tea: SW burger, bacon, cheese Part HEA, unboring salad today! roll HEB, chips 6 Syns,
milk in 1 coffee part HEA
snacks: 2 apples, orange, banana

Wot no breakfast??? Tell me why 6 syns for chips. Was that extra to the HEB spuds?
I like ubboring salad, never used to but Cloudy got me into it. Gonna have salad today before going to the hospital. Only had fruit for lunch yesterday and I think that is why I wanted the sandwich last night,
I reckon to have a red day so I can have cheese on my salad - maybe :rolleyes:

It is so nice to have you back. We did miss you xxxx
Think chips synned as upndown already had the 2 hexbs in bread and roll.

I have to make my salads as mixed up as poss that way it fills me up, as you c nanny i love a big portion! Maybe thats why my losses are slow, but as long as they are going down thats all i wish for.

Have a nice Sunday. Xxx

The bubble will burst
Didn`t see the roll as well. :rolleyes:

Sunday 21st September RED I think

hexa`s 350ml skimmed milk. 20g lf cheese. + 175ml skimmed milk
hexb`s 2 bread, 230g spud with skin

B: 2 sausages (2 syns) 2 bacon 2 eggs lots mush 2 toast heb

L: Salad with boiled eggs, crabsticks with sauce (2.1/2 syns)
Tomato, baby beets, lettuce toms xl mayo 45g (1.1/2)
20g cheese (part hea) + 25g cheese (4 syns)

Hospital - banana & Skinny latte (from hexa)

chicken thighs with 20g chorizo (3syns). sw chips. broccoli.
Followed by strawberries and yogurt. White options in yogurt + 2

TOTAL SYNS 15. Dinner won`t be ready till 7pm so should not need anything more.
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Wot no breakfast??? Tell me why 6 syns for chips. Was that extra to the HEB spuds?
I like ubboring salad, never used to but Cloudy got me into it. Gonna have salad today before going to the hospital. Only had fruit for lunch yesterday and I think that is why I wanted the sandwich last night,
I reckon to have a red day so I can have cheese on my salad - maybe :rolleyes:

It is so nice to have you back. We did miss you xxxx

Would u believe that I wasn't hungry for brekkie so had a nice brunch! did the same today! Yes I'd already had 2 HEBs (it was a red day) thx for checking and trying to save my precious Syns!!

Yes I agree when we make the effort, salad can be an interesting and a good filling meal.

Thx for ur kind words - it's great to be back Doreen - u all really help to keep me on plan and I think we all feel better when we're eating sensibly! Hope u've had a good wkend and here's to a good week too! Xx
Didn`t see the roll as well. :rolleyes:

Sunday 21st September RED I think

hexa`s 350ml skimmed milk. 20g lf cheese. + 175ml skimmed milk
hexb`s 2 bread, 230g spud with skin

B: 2 sausages (2 syns) 2 bacon 2 eggs lots mush 2 toast heb

L: Salad with boiled eggs, crabsticks with sauce (2.1/2 syns)
Tomato, baby beets, lettuce toms xl mayo 45g (1.1/2)
20g cheese (part hea) + 25g cheese (4 syns)

Hospital - banana & Skinny latte (from hexa)

chicken thighs with 20g chorizo (3syns). sw chips. broccoli.
Followed by strawberries and yogurt.

TOTAL SYNS 13. Dinner won`t be ready till 7pm so should not need anything more.

Ooh another nice food day - I love chorizo - didn't realise it was so low in Syns for 20g - how many slices is that I wonder? Fancy some now - I'm terrible for that -whenever I read any nice meals - I want to make/eat it there & then - regardless whether I'm full or had my limit for the day!!
Great food today Doreen, especially when you're spending so much time running back and forth to the hospital with you neighbour, that's a really kind thing to do and quite a commitment. I'm sure she much appreciates it, its a worrying time when our loved ones are in hospital, the travel problems are the last thing we need.

I like the sound of your dinner, I too like chorizo but always worried I'm going to get the 'wrong one' and it'll turn out mega high in syns, some of them look really oily. Love the flavour though and a little goes quite a long way. Hope it was tasty :)
Think chips synned as upndown already had the 2 hexbs in bread and roll.

I have to make my salads as mixed up as poss that way it fills me up, as you c nanny i love a big portion! Maybe thats why my losses are slow, but as long as they are going down thats all i wish for.

Have a nice Sunday. Xxx

The bubble will burst

10 out of 10 Bubble - top of the class! I agree let's keep eating what we like in good quantity - that'll keep us happy and hopefully when we get to target (yes we will one day) it'll be easier to maintain than starving our way to our goal! X
Hope u've all had a good day - here's how mine went:

Brunch: bacon, egg, mushrooms and bread HEB tomato sauce 1 syn
Tea: lamb steak, peas, s/corn, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, mint sauce, dessert fruit fool thing from Tesco - 9 Syns
Snacks: 2 apples, banana, freddo 5 syns

TOTAL SYNS = 14 Syns (whoops but had less than 10 last 2 days and on the salad challenge from 2moro - so does that let me off the hook ladies?)
Ooh another nice food day - I love chorizo - didn't realise it was so low in Syns for 20g - how many slices is that I wonder? Fancy some now - I'm terrible for that -whenever I read any nice meals - I want to make/eat it there & then - regardless whether I'm full or had my limit for the day!!

The chorizo was 20g. Had it cut at the deli. I just put it under the 2 thighs I had - nothing difficult - I don`t do difficult - put it in the oven and hey presto.
Here are some more meals :D I have today done to meals in slow cooker. 1. Beef, carrot mushroom & oxo cubes. No syns yet but when I heat each portion I will put 1 or 2 tsps of gravy grans in to thicken it.
2. diced turkey thighs, carrot, onion, swede small potatoes oxo cubes and a handful or so of pearl barley little mixed herbs. Will have to remember this cannot be a red day meal or sin the barley. Fancy some.??
Just had a taste it is lovely.

Just heard from my son re child minding.l I will be there from Friday pm then probablt till Thursday. The above meals will come in handy. This time no messing about. Mind you my DIL is only working half days hopefully so she will be there to keep an eye dinnertimes. Also of course body magic walking the dog.
Hope u've all had a good day - here's how mine went:

Brunch: bacon, egg, mushrooms and bread HEB tomato sauce 1 syn
Tea: lamb steak, peas, s/corn, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, mint sauce, dessert fruit fool thing from Tesco - 9 Syns
Snacks: 2 apples, banana, freddo 5 syns

TOTAL SYNS = 14 Syns (whoops but had less than 10 last 2 days and on the salad challenge from 2moro - so does that let me off the hook ladies?)

That`s ok, will let that one go as I had 15syns today and I think 13 yesterday.
The chorizo was 20g. Had it cut at the deli. I just put it under the 2 thighs I had - nothing difficult - I don`t do difficult - put it in the oven and hey presto.
Here are some more meals :D I have today done to meals in slow cooker. 1. Beef, carrot mushroom & oxo cubes. No syns yet but when I heat each portion I will put 1 or 2 tsps of gravy grans in to thicken it.
2. diced turkey thighs, carrot, onion, swede small potatoes oxo cubes and a handful or so of pearl barley little mixed herbs. Will have to remember this cannot be a red day meal or sin the barley. Fancy some.??
Just had a taste it is lovely.

Just heard from my son re child minding.l I will be there from Friday pm then probablt till Thursday. The above meals will come in handy. This time no messing about. Mind you my DIL is only working half days hopefully so she will be there to keep an eye dinnertimes. Also of course body magic walking the dog.

Mmmm.... A portion of each pls - I'll pay the postage of course!! I esp love pearl barley and the slow cooker is so useful and light on electric! Glad ur DIL keeps her eye on u and u'll be getting the body magic in too. - hope u'll be able to keep in touch whilst ur there? Xx
I should be able to keep in touch while I am there Upndown. If while I am there Mum & Dad are at work all day I get too tired. But as the kids are at school and Mum on half day it will be easier. Oh and I don`t have a leakproof container that can go in the post. Sorry. :p

Cloudy - Tesco do a pack of chorizo slices - 150g. 100g of that is 10. I do buy the ring sometimes, that is where I got the 3 for 20g. Seems slices are better.
SW site says basic is 100 for 6.1/2. Not too bad overall for the flavour it gives.
Maybe you can try some now.
Sainsbury 180g pack of slices 5g = 1/2.
I should be able to keep in touch while I am there Upndown. If while I am there Mum & Dad are at work all day I get too tired. But as the kids are at school and Mum on half day it will be easier. Oh and I don`t have a leakproof container that can go in the post. Sorry. :p

Cloudy - Tesco do a pack of chorizo slices - 150g. 100g of that is 10. I do buy the ring sometimes, that is where I got the 3 for 20g. Seems slices are better.
SW site says basic is 100 for 6.1/2. Not too bad overall for the flavour it gives.
Maybe you can try some now.
Sainsbury 180g pack of slices 5g = 1/2.

Never mind - I'll just copy u then!! Wow Doreen ur a chorizo expert! V useful info there and as u say chorizo is so tasty and well worth the Syns xx
Never mind - I'll just copy u then!! Wow Doreen ur a chorizo expert! V useful info there and as u say chorizo is so tasty and well worth the Syns xx

Not something that I use that often but Chocko1 has a few recipes which use it. I looked on the SW site for the syns.
Have yourself a fab week everyone.:) Those doing salad challenges good luck. Its too restricted for me. So you are absolutely brilliant to try. :thumbup:
Chorizo is my all time favourite with french stick loads of butter and halloumi!... oops that don't happen doing sw! ;)

The bubble will burst
Have yourself a fab week everyone.:) Those doing salad challenges good luck. Its too restricted for me. So you are absolutely brilliant to try. :thumbup:
Chorizo is my all time favourite with french stick loads of butter and halloumi!... oops that don't happen doing sw! ;)

The bubble will burst

Thx Bubble - just hope I can stick to it! Ur doing well too - let's shift this flab and hope u have a great week too!