Unfortunatly i can still eat loads of chocolate. Im finding this week really hard. Getting really upset over my weight. Just got to learn to pull through.
Hi Chick,
You've done so well, please dont give up! Just think, if you keep going with the weight loss, you'll have the the perfect figure soon, just in time for aug/sept.
Keep your mind on those nice summer clothes.
Your round about the same weight as me, your a cpl lbs lighter, and we're round about the same height...what size of clothes are you in, if you dont mind me asking...I cant figure out what size i am! hmmmm I think im a 14 on top and 14/16 bottoms but 2 of my size 18 denims still fit.
I still feel fat, but less fat than I did, and I know I can lose the rest. I still hate seeing myself naked!!
Keep strong
Aww thanks hun! Yeah i cant look at myself naked either! Thank god i dont have a big mirror. Or i know i would of looked at myself everyday and get really upset. Only time i see myself head to toe is when i walk past a shop window lol. And im not sure what size i am. But i think im size 16 bottoms. Dont have a clue what top size i am because i wear size 10, 12 and 14 lol. Not all my tops fit though. Always had a problem with my top sizes because of my large boobs![]()
Well my problem with tops is that I am so used to baggy tops..if i wear a tight one, I always think my stomach sticks out, so I tend to go for bigger size so no horrible bumps. Or I wear a cardi jacket of a tight top so no one sees too much.
My size 14 denims are slightly too small, i would be comfy in them but make my legs look too big, and the size 16s are falling down so i need to wear belts....been working on getting my thighs smaller as they a big problem!!
Try control pants under your clothes. I wear them and they just even out the bumps and rolls abit. Once ive got them on, i have no struggle slipping into my jeans. There great! You should definatly give them a go.
Yeah i've been meaning to get a pair of them? Where do you get them? Marks? Im sure i seen them in primark! They cover your thighs too dont they?
Yeah M&S, Primark, LaSenza, Debenhams.. Cant remember where else you can buy them. You can check online. And you can buy different ones to suit your need. The one i have is for tummy, bum and thighs. Works great!
Thanks for that!! They'll be great for a party i'm going to next weekend, I'm gonna have a look in shops nxt week, I seen some on ebay for £5...they go right down the leg too which is great as I have big calves...but in the pic it shows them above the knee.
Good luck and keep me posted!
Why dont you try some out in the shops, see how they feel and fit.
Todays my weigh day. And i forgot to get on the scales before breakfast. But i checked after i ate. And i havent lost anything :sigh: I hope its because i ate and then weighed. Im going to check again later. Fingers crossed! :cross:
Yup i think i'll weigh myself tomorrow. Hows things going anyway?
Yeah things good thanks
Been working out every day to try and lose a bit extra! Its going too slow at the moment..iv got a cpl of things coming up and I will need to wear a dress for both, dont want to be embarrased.
I'm hoping to get to the 11 stone mark in the next 2 weeks...im 12.2 jst now and want to get into the 11's.
Hows your diet going?
Hi, im new to the sight. Im 18 and i also started off at 13 stone. i'm three weeks in now and i have lost about a stone since the start, 6lbs the first week then 4 for each of the other two weeks. At the moment im just calorie counting and being strict with the amount of calories i have each day and im just trying to completley avoid chocolate and all the bad stuff. congrats on the bubbado you find it hard to fit in exercise into your day? ive been trying to go to the gym everyday but sometimes i just really cant be bothered lol.
You always feel better once you've done it though, don't you! I'm just going to have to learn to make myself get on with it when i feel unmotivated. I'm happy with my weight losses so far though (how weird that our weight losses match!) and i'm going to weigh myself again on sunday evening so hopefully i'll officially be into the 11's. I'm hoping for a reasonable loss as its always encouraging if you feel like your getting somewhere! Especially with summer coming up, it just makes everyone care even more about losing weight![]()
I still feel really good when ive lost a couple of pounds. Going to feel even better when i get to my goal weight. At the moment im just abit disappointed that my weight loss has slowed down. Whats your weak point? Mine is chocolate! Cant get enough of the stuff lol. Trying to not eat as much. But i have cut down on it like 90%
Yeah, Any weight loss is a good weight loss, as long as your losing thats all that matters! it's impossible to have big weight losses all the way through, Everybodys slows down at some pointMy weak point is definatly chocolate! I have a very sweet tooth so anything with sugar in it is my downfall. I'm hoping that once i reach my goal i dont crave it as much or dont feel i can eat as much as i used to. I've managed quite well so far but its difficult when there is chocolate and sugary food in the house! My family have some sort of takeaway every friday night aswell which is quite hard to resist. The forums keep me focused though