need some motavation propoints and sf days am thinking

Iv said about hours and i have to tell my team leader feel absaloulty discuistin today fat and bloated due on every day and sorry if its tmi carnt go toilet been and bought a new dress only 7 pound and a ponytail piece and really dont want to go out sorry for this down msg x
Am ok now thank god lol had a good night drank a bit with normal coke but hey damage is done how are u today hun have u started back on ur ww journey i need to get on ur diary x
Sat hungover
Big bottle of volvic flavour water wotsits crunchy twister pasta and sauce with chicken havnt pointed but i will do tomorrow need to get some micro meals for work x
B cheesy beans on toast 10


T noodles 3 turkey dinosaurs 14

S special k moments 3
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Hi hun hope you're having a good weekend xx
Hi hun hope you're having a good weekend xx

Hi hun am so fed up due on anyday and i just carnt get my head together since gainin half a stone my will power has gone i need to go and get some bits for work only get a hour break and am scared thinkin once i get out i might be so hungry i loose the plot am thinkin of doin sone fh days only i dont know if i will like brown rice pasta really sorry for being negative x
Don' worry hunni, you'll get there. Brown rice and pasta are really yummy, .I really didn't expect to like them and had actually decided I didn't like them before I tried them lol, but once I tried them I I loved them.

How is your new job going? Xx
Hi lovely ladys i havnt had nothin tasty to eat unfortunatly lol work am still trainun to tomorrow and its really confusuin an the only one who doesnt get it unless there to proud to ask lool x
My mun still in hosp and were puttin a complaint in absaoloutly fuemin not only has she fractured her pelvis she has her spine and its horrible how no1 has told us that she appattly fell pigs they are x

B 2 toast 5

D egg mayo butty 7

T ham toasty 6

S buttons yogurt
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Tuesday time of the month didnt count and feelin really stressed
B toast 5

D spicy chicken salad 6


S special k bar 2 packet of littls eispas carrot cake
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Oh well nasty totm fairy is here had a little binge nothin to bad hope everyone is ok x
B 2toast 5

D goahead bar

T cheese onion butty from tesco

S cheese mycoys