Hiya Honey - hope headache isn't getting too bad and the Spanish is going well. I'm downstairs listening to the Archers and drinking hazelnut coffee and water - def. the key to weight loss - was 10.7.0 this am - yay!!!
And you're down to 10.12 - BRILLIANT - the Indian didn't sabotage you too much then - phew!! How controlled of you to put 1/3 in the freezer -- can you send me some of your control please?? I'm ok as long as stuff isn't open and I can't see it - I've taken to putting things in plastic boxes in the fridge so I can't see them when I open the fridge door
One of the cats left us a freshly dead rabbit this morning - luckily left outside and smeared around the playroom - but apart from clearing that up today is going to be a lazy day - all the washing and ironing is done and as the family are over tomorrow and my niece and nephew are staying over there is no point cleaning the place to a new pin today as it'll be trashed by tomorrow night! I've got Thursday after they've gone and before the hairdresser comes to clean!
Might go out on bikes later as the boy's cold is better but don't know if the rain is going to hold off - what a miserable weekend weatherwise!!
Am cooking chicken for lunch and will make chicken stock with carcass and put in freezer for when I can eat - not long now! Will have some broccoli too as an add-a-meal and then make sure I do some exercise this afternoon. I've been doing my rebounding and am kind of coming round to the idea that I need to move my body more -- finally realised that being thinner and being fitter aren't the same thing. I s'pose I assumed that being thinner would automatically make me fit - errr NO
Also when I am eating I can get away with eating more if I eat more plus I want the boy to get more physically active and to do that I have to set a positive example.
I've been reading about the documentary that is on tomorrow night about the 19 yr old girl who weighed 34stones. I feel sorry for her and hope the gastric band helps her but I feel her mother has a lot to answer for as apparently the girl's been obese all her life. If my boy is fat as a boy it's directly down to me as he has no health issues which affect his weight and I buy the food and allow him to eat it - a bit too judgemental maybe - will I get flamed for this attitude?
Hmmm, the roasting chicken smells lovely, well I better go and do some housework - polish the windows or something or maybe I'll torture myself by reading recipe books
Have a fab day and good luck with the dissertation.
Lots of love,