Shame that the insomina has reared its ugly head again. What time did you wake up this morning?
I was greeted by 2 dead mice and a dead rabbit so big Aoife couldn't fit it thru the cat flap! Some thing had given the rabbit a good old nibble tho - right down to the bone on the hind legs- yuk!!
I also almost did a back flip with sheer excitement when I stepped on the scales and they said 9-13.3 - yippee I thought and then I thought - hang on...I don't think so. Anyway got on with shower etc and then put specs on and weighed myself again (a whole day early cos I thought today was actually tomorrow) and zeroed scales (cos I'd moved them from downstairs) and beggar me it was 10.5.9 - utter pants
Oh well, it was a nice feeling whilst it lasted and it proved to me that I do want to get down to the 9s before I start maintaining properly. Humppphhh, well after a week in Majorca I'll probably have gained so much weight I'll be able to SS again!
Work fairly quiet, am trying to fix friend's laptop that I "unfixed" last night and after work today I have to go and upgrade my Majorca friend's brother's pc (confused yet?) with my current destructive track records I'd better warn he could be left computerless unless this current jinx leaves me.
Had a nice email from a lady who saw my article in the local paper - unfortunately the paper took so long to pass her details to me she started with another CDC, but never mind at least she's getting the benefits of CD. I'll email her back in a mo - she has a relly in my village who knows me from church apparently!
Right better go and fettle this laptop before sorting out my backups etc and then I can start list making for the holiday and trap the cats inside - oh my leather furniture - I hope it survives! Sorry, probably rambling like mad - brain too full of what I have to do - eek - I thought holidays were good - I'll need one just to get over the planning for this one - oh no, just remembered must book holiday club for boy at half term and then Christmas and...and....and.....
{{{not waving but drowning}}}