Need to get rid of baby weight!


So weighted myself this morning and I'm down to 12st 0.2lbs! I can't believe it I'm well pleased! I hope all is going well with everyone else!
Still enjoying being on a the diet and getting used to it. Xxx
Hey Lauren

How are you getting on? I'm really Njoying being on slimfast. I've been keeping up the running and it's been getting easier everytime I do it although still knackered after it!
I've had to get my husband to hide my scales away as last week I weighted myself far too much was obsessing a bit too much about how much I was loosing lol!
Lauryn xxx
I'm doing good thanks, still enjoying it and finding it easy. I weigh tomorrow as weighing on Saturday mornings. Hope I lose tomorrow but won't expect a loss like my first week.
So pleased I started this diet just hope I keep up like this.
Been cooking alot of Asian food which is low calorie and very yummy so keeps me looking forward to that every day and not getting bored!
Hope your still keep on track!x
Let me know how you get on. Good sounds yummy. I've been eating a lot of asda low calorie meals they are yummy!
Glad you are still on track. Too my wee boy to greggs today and I actually disnt want anything they had which us good for me I would normally cave lolxxx
That's fantastic! I'm well jealous! Hopefully j wil have lost again this week been keeping up the running and finding sticking to the diet easy now I've got into the routine of it! Do your clothes feel looser on you? I have really noticed a difference in me at all :( hopefully I will soon! X