Hi Pinkemi, I hope you’re feeling better soon!
Sorry to hear you’ve had a bit of a rough weekend, I know exactly what that’s like. I was the same last weekend and ate everything in sight! Did you end up weighing yourself this morning?
I feel your pain about the Starbucks, that was one of the first things I looked up when I rejoined SW and realised that my days of Friday morning Starbucks or Costa treats were a thing of the past
I don’t totally understand the whole high syn soup thing either, you’d think they’d be good for you but they’re so high in syns. I haven’t had any Heinz tomato soup for months, just because the syn value is too high to justify (11.5 syns for one can!)

On the flip side though, most homemade soups are totally free and are also speed foods so have you thought of making your own soup and taking it to work in a thermos? They freeze well too so you could make it in bulk. There are some soups that you can have as a healthy extra too, though I can’t remember which off the top of my head.
Best of luck for your weigh-in this evening! I’ve got mine too…dreading it a little but I’ve got my fingers crossed