So.. last night was a nightmare.. Not going to lie.
I forced myself to go to the gym to do a work out. Managed to jog on the treadmill for about 2.28miles before I felt so sick I had to get off. Had to sit in the changing rooms for about 5 minutes to stop my head from spinning.
I then went round my OH's family house to meet up with our friends etc. Ive been trying to find shoes for my bridesmaids.. and found these ones which fit the criteria they gave me..

and I also liked.. Anyway to cut a long story short they didn't fit... Everyone was throwing comments at me, lots of negativity about the colour I had chosen, the height of the heel bla bla bla.. I burst into tears! Then managed to spill a cup of tea... bang my leg onto the dish washer (which was out and I didn't realise)... Once i had calmed down a bit we decided to eat supper.. as i was plating up my chinese.. I DROPPED MY PLATE!

It smashed into two and the food went everywhere.
This morning.. as you can imagine.. i've woken up deflated and unmotivated. everyone keeps telling me.. your not going to see the shoes anyways so what does it matter? But it matters to me! I want them to look nice! If it was up to some of my BM.. they would be wearing 6 inch heels.

Breakfast-40g Porridge oats (HEB), fat free yogurt and blueberries
Lunch- Homemade Gammon soup
Snacks- Biltong, 3x babybel light, hard boiled egg, 3x seafood sticks and 2x extra light laughing cow.
As I was out last night I didn't food prep so grabbed things as I ran out of the door this morning.