Nefertari's journey to lose 130lbs

Well, my presentation went well I think - no negative comments except that I spoke a tiny bit fast but that was nerves. My hands were shaking so badly, it was ridiculous!

Having omelette for tea - yummy!

I can't believe how quickly WI day is approaching again!
Another day gone, and I'm still on track! I'm really amazed at myself, particularly with the night off back in February - normally I would have totally lose the plot!

I think it's due to having so many things to aim for: Cairo, Majorca, wedding, graduation. It's not a case of losing it for one thing, it's a case of losing it for continued things which I want to be able to continue to enjoy for the rest of my life.

Last time I went to Majorca, my legs chafed so badly they bled, I had to have a belt extension which was embarrassing, my ankles and feet puffed up like footballs, and I had to keep covered up because I was so big, so I was sweltering!

Come September, I'll be at goal and I'll be enjoying the heat and the beach without worrying about my fat arms, or my fat knees! Bring it on! :D
I really hope I am - I have a long way to go, and a week break for a holiday in May but I'm determined to be at least a size 14 for September holiday. It's so easy to follow S&S with the extra meal option - I don't feel like I'm missing out at all. The holiday is Egypt and it's all fish, meat, and salads so I can't see me gaining loads or losing the plot. Plus I have that Sept deadline to motivate me to get back on plan. I'm positive that I will get right back onto it.

I'm going home for a week next month to visit my family and I'm going to stay on the diet while I'm there - normally, I'd decide to come off it. I think my mindset has really changed this time.

My mantra is: If you'd just carried right on each time you went off plan in the past, you'd be at goal by now.

That's really keeping me focused. :D
I really would recommend taking bars with you to Cairo. It sounds like your meals are sorted but it's just when you are walking around it can be really hard to find something suitable for lunch, so you could just order a drink and have your bar then? You probably will prefer to come off plan completely but it's just that I took both shakes for breakfast and bars for lunch and just ate the evening meal without carbs when I went on the cruise and I actually managed to lose 5lbs when I was in Egypt -- you sweat a lot and automatically drink more water -- and still had the best holdiay I have ever had.
I think it's a good way to prepare yourself - after all, who diets on holiday in the real world? I think exercising self-restraint is key. When I went to Palma, I actually lost weight - I don't eat much on holiday as I'm too busy sight-seeing! :D
Well I hope you like falafel. You will most likely lose or stay the same in Cairo -- all that heat and walking. It's absolutely amazing and with your degree you will get so much more out of it then I did. So, so hot, never experienced heat like it. You cannot walk at midday so they tend to take you out early each morning to get as much done before the heat of the day.
Yeah, I'm expecting it to be beyond hot - got to get some decent clothes before we go. I have nothing suitable! Going to stock up on linen trousers I think!

I'm only there for four days so it's not even a full week off plan - I don't even mind if I gain while I'm there as I've waited my whole life to go! Never tried falafel...

Day 49! Day 50 tomorrow - I'm in work 9-1 and then we're off to London for the weekend. Doing Madame Tussauds and the Tower as I've never done either. Going to pop into the British Museum to get some photos of some of some objects that I'm going to be talking about in my presentation on Tuesday. Dedicated student...