Just scoffed a double decker and a dairy milk, blaming the baby!![]()
Baby girl needed chocolate! I think my baby might be needing some chocolate too very soon![]()
I have a very wriggly baby in my tummy today, she's moving around constantly26 weeks pregnant today which means 14 weeks left! Crazy!! Have the day off as need to use some holiday and have someone coming to check the boiler. They confirmed a morning appointment and he has just arrived, been waiting in all morning and had to get up as early as I would for work! Trying to be good today but really wanting comfort food and chocolate - I'm going to try though.. Food for today: (B) cheese roll (heb and hea) Danio yog (1) (L) (D)
Happy 26 weeks! You're nearly in the third tri now, how fast has that gone! Then again everyone's pregnancies apart from your own go fast lol
Love wriggly babies, I have a very wriggly boy today too! It's the best feeling in the world <3
See how you go with the food but don't stress if chocolate does creep inxxx
I guess it actually has gone quite quick (after the first 12 weeks anyway)It really is a lovely feeling, if a little weird!! Feels like she's doing somersaults in there. The thing with chocolate is it gives me terrible heartburn, but can't seem to stop eating it! Xx
I found it dragged until 20 weeks but it's flown since then which is a blessing! And once you get past 30 weeks it really does fly
It is weird, like someone's doing a wool wash in there lol! Some days I feel like my insides are being rearranged, no idea what the boy is doing but I'm assuming it's important...xxx
wow that has flew by!!!!! im sure a bit of chocolate will be fine you are bonding over things already
hope you are okhave a great weekend xx
I'm good thank you just trying toot drink more wine hehe xx
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Morning. Slept all the way through last night, woke up at 8 for a wee and couldn't get back to sleep so I've pottered about done some cleaning and made bacon sarnies for breakfast, just back in bed with a cup of tea. Charles really pissed me off this morningmade sarnies took them to bed, he doesn't even bother to wake up!? I'm sitting there eating mine and he is still snoring - felt like pouring my tea over him! it really insults me, grrrrrrrrrrrr! Anyway going out with my friend mark for lunch, not sure where yet but will try to make healthy choices - I'm going round my sisters tonight and instead of a takeaway I've got some chicken breasts in Palma ham that need using today so ill cook them and take them over fir my tea. That's the plan anyway.... Just glad to get away from Boyf to be honest!
Sorry he's driving you mad! When you have hormones to deal with menfolk can be extra annoying. Sounds like a great plan for tonight, hope you have a good one and enjoy your lunch out! xxx