Blergh have woken up feeling sick this morning, stayed laying down and it's got worse so now propped up in bed with pillows and it seems to be easing.. Not sure what it was, maybe baby laying in an awkward position. Happy Witt yesterday, way over syns if I counted them but not a binge in sight, 4 cookies is restrained for me as once I open a pack of anything sweet I rarely put it down again... Today, going to get up in a mo and make breakfast then we are going to my sisters so the boys can watch football, I'm hoping me and sis can go out for a walk as really need some fresh air and exercise. Plan is similar to yesterday, it's the weekend so being more relaxed but no binge eating.

Food: (B) 3 LM sausages in 2 warburtons thins with low low cheese spread (L) (D) spag bol