Gold Member
Hi. Just checking in. I can't believe you're so close nowHow exciting x
Hey Lisa, good to "see" you
Hi. Just checking in. I can't believe you're so close nowHow exciting x
Sounds like you're loving maternity leave! How exciting about your appointment yesterday - glad it's put your mind at rest a little.
Bless your Nan with her laptop. Mine couldn't cope with that, I don't think! She calls mine a 'Googler' as we always say 'I'll Google it' when she asks a question. So sweet!!
Loving the priorities of Littlewoods Online
Yeah both my nans are 92 so they just can't get their heads around a lot of technology, bless them. They do have mobile phones although don't really go out on their own anymore so don't really need them. I keep talking about getting my Nan a kindle, but she's a bit heavy handed so would probably break it!!
Love love loving that bump pic! Not long now, yummy mummy! xx
My goodness look at you!!! You are glowing, properly! Looking amazing!!xxx
You're so right not to beat yourself up honey. You just need to enjoy this time. The plan will still be here when you're ready xx Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins