Gold Member
Glad you had a good weekend. I need to pull it back with food this week too. Bit too much this weekend! X
Glad you had a good weekendx
I'm pulling it back today too! Lol
Glad you had a good weekend. I need to pull it back with food this week too. Bit too much this weekend! X
Dinner sounds amazing apart from the gravy. Mmm pie and mash!! X
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Your food is looking fabulous as always. Are you doing 5:2 alongside SW? x
Terrible night here, I've been spoilt with Bella sleeping through from 10 weeks old :-0 Poor little thing has a stinking cold and is also teethingwent straight down at 7pm But then woke screaming at half past, took till 9 to settle her then I had a bath and she woke up unsettled again at 10. Thankfully she settled in bed with me and I transferred her to her cot, heard her a few times but didn't actually wake until 6. She's so snuffly today and just looks poorly bless her. In food / diet news was hoping for a pound off this week but after scale hopping this doesn't look likely
out for lunch today but hope to make a good choice...
Another busy one today, was meant to be fasting but Bella had the mother of all temper tantrums on the way to meet my friend at Starbucks and I succumbed to a coconut frapachino - could of pulled back elsewhere but needed food today. Totm very due and tempted not to weigh tmrw morning as v bloated and it will upset me to not see a loss.... Coconut frapachino Steak, salad with cheese Chicken salad Hi fi caramel Total calories - 696