2lbs loss thus week, yay!!!!! So pleased with this as feel like my metabolism has finally kicked in and my body is letting go of some of the weight :-D
Yay well done2lbs loss thus week, yay!!!!! So pleased with this as feel like my metabolism has finally kicked in and my body is letting go of some of the weight :-D
Blerghhh, ate so much yesterday actually made myself ill - ended up in bed at 9.30 as I felt so horrible. Got up at 6.30 and stuck to water first thing, had a grilled breakfast about 10.30. Tried black pudding for the first time, prob won't have it again :/ (B) sausages, bacon, black pudding, beans, toast (L) mango and yoghurt (D) chicken salad with beetroot and cheese
Thanks allbeen really off plan today, start again tmrw. We set off for the beach today but got stuck in some serious traffic so after an hour we turned back, couldn't risk queuing any longer with Bella in the car especially when it's so hot. Would have been her first time at the seaside too..
Oh no, how annoying. Which seaside were you going to? X
At least you're planning for it, hope you're good apart from feeling unmotivated xx
Yeh all good thanks, Bella quite clingy today although I'm round my sisters so at least she's entertained by my 8 and 4 year old niecesWalked here which takes an hour and then an hour back so that's 2 hours out of my day I won't be snacking
hope alls good with you xx
Oliver is clingy today too. Maybe it's a development thing given both our children seem to be similar recently.
Well done on all the walking. I have been known to push the buggy with one hand and eat with the other so walking doesn't even stop me pigging out!! Lol x
Ha ha, when I first had Bella I used to walk in to town and on the way stop at the shop and grab a pack of biscuits or large choc bar and eat as I walked toowe needed the sugar! Yeh, my sister suggested its about the age they get withdrawal from mum If they aren't with us so could be it - she's started crying out in the night and when I leave the room. I do think teething still has a lot to answer for though... X
Oh yeah withdrawal age. Could well be. Hope it passes soon.
Hope you have a good night sleep tonight x
Food plan: (B) Allbran golden crunch, yoghurt and milk (L) 2 warburtons thins with low low cheese spread Apple (D) jacket potato with cheese, spaghetti hoops, mushrooms (S) low fat yoghurt, mango Have about 300 calories to use on a sweet treat later, fancying ice cream!