Gold Member
I love zumba... I just go to the back therefore no1 can see.. everyone is in the same boat... youll love it!!
My sister dropped out of going swimming and after feeling really tired all day at work I decided to give it a miss as well. Boyf was meant to be working tonight so I was going to have a relaxing one watching mic, freaky eaters and the kardashians but he got given the night off (is it mean that I was a little dissapointed!?) anyway we had a bit of a row prob blame that on the hormones too so I've been in the bedroom watching 4OD on my phone, and actually had quite a nice evening!
Also did 200 squats, killed me x
Ugh...I've got 70 tomorrow and I'm dreading that. How will I ever do 200?!?!
Sorry to hear about bickering with boyf - bound to happen sometimes with the drugs though. Glad you've had some chillout time anyway
It's nearly the weekend hun - whoop whoop!xx
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You're doing so well at the moment lovely, I'm mega impressed! Hope you're feeling ok too and the hormones aren't giving you too much grief xxx
Finally found you! Xx
The challenge finishes on 250 and you'll get there. The first 50 were hard but you just keep building it up. So chuffed I completed it, now I just need to keep going!
Ah it's ok, we often argue - both like to be In charge
I cannot wait for tmrw night, I'm going to relax lots! Xx
A STS - stupid body
So that's 2lbs on last week that's still there this week. X
That will be fake weight off the hormones - your body is starting to get back on track now with the sts, so next week should be a loss
A STS - stupid body
So that's 2lbs on last week that's still there this week. X