Not a bad two days. I have managed to take food to work with me 2 days in a row. I'm on a course tomorrow in london which is where it gets more difficult. I'll take breakfast and lunch with me but I'll either have to buy something for tea or wait until I get home which could be late. I'm going to do another PV day so if I do decide to go for tea before I head back I can get steak and salad or something. I've made a vegetable soup to put in a flask so that should be fine for lunch with some chicken thighs I've cooked ready.
Yesterday was a pretty good day.
Breakfast - Dukan trifle (jelly, yogurt jelly and ff natural greek yogurt)
Mid morning - oatbran porridge
Lunch - Half a roast chicken (home cooked), 2 boiled eggs
Snack - Dukan trifle, prawns
Tea - Haddock, 2 poached eggs
Supper - jelly, lemon mug cake (without oatbran)
Drinks - Tea, Water
Way too much jelly but I couldn't resist. No diet drinks in the house, I may have been able to resist the jelly if I has diet coke instead.
Today was a bit better....
Breakfast - Cheesy eggs (scrambled eggs made with cottage cheese)
Mid morning - Oat bran porridge
Lunch - Vegetable Soup, Seafood selection
Snack - FF natural Yogurt
Tea - Tandoori beef with stir fried veg, 4 chicken thighs, ff natural yogurt
Snack - Lemon Mug cake (without oatbran)
Drinks - Tea, Water
I think I need to cut down on my yogurt but it's keeping me on the straight and narrow at the minute. I've also managed to get through 4 dozen eggs in a week and a half, granted I had to throw 5 away as I forgot they were boiling but that's still a lot of eggs.