Sorry to hear it Nessa/Lush, I've had my own share of ex-bf problems atm but I suppose they don't compare to what you two must be going through! Big hugs for you both

I can't imagine how difficult mainitaining a diet and such a drastic lifestyle change must be especially with the lack of support from your OH! And scoffing 10 kit-kats, ooh, sounds like a plan!

Maybe 5 and a huuuge bowl of ice cream instead though? May have to get Daisy's sundae making expertise to make an appearance!
Not being able to talk must be really difficult, communication really is the key to a healthy relationship especially when you're going through something as life-changing as trying for a baby or indeed going through IVF, I can't imagine what you're going through, either of you but you both have my deepest sympathy xx
Hope you're able to feel proud to call him your man and indeed the father to your baby soon, i'm sure he had the best intentions with his comments but indeed sometimes men just don't think about the impact their words will have before they open their mouths (women too in fact).
I hope that you both manage to have a better day and enjoy yourselves/attempt to sort things out x