Finally Pregnant!!
its like the song goes dust yourself off and try again.... 
The day off plan thing doesn't work for me either hun.. Hense me being at the same weight for the last almost 10 months now!!! Keep gaining n losing the same pesky lbs..Thankyou everyone I'm just a train wreck this week last nights dinner battered sausage and chips what a bloody idiot I am!!!
BUT I'm armed with Daisy's stunning recipes and Frances recipe page and I'm ordering the healthy food shop as we speak!!! There is no way on earth I am letting this spiral out of control. Gonna weigh in on Friday morning (a day early) take whatever it throws at me (I'm guessing 7LB+ on) then I'm gonna demolish it!!!) new goal get to 18 stone something for Xmas, nice realistic target. No more days off plan for me (thanks for the advice Kel you are right) just gonna stick to using no more than 15 weeklies. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!! Just call me the come back kid!!! Fingers toes and everything crossed for Friday please would like to hold onto my 3 stone!! Xxx
Blonde moment... what's GBOTTIO???Oh and mamma moon GBOTTIO!!!!!
moonwatcher said:Let's GBOTTIO I say (Get Back On Track Together In October!) Well I wanted an abbreviation of my own! Catchy eh?
Ah OK.. I'm down with that...Here you go frances
bulldogdaisy said:Welcome back Nessa,beside you every step of the way..you can do it and well done for getting organised and finding what works for you :0)
charlie's~mummy said:Just remember babes you are only human mistakes are made that's how we learn I have every faith in you xxxx
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Dubchick81 said:Ooh.. Do you have a recipe for your steak and mushroom pie??? (Is that daisy's??)