New Beginning... Magiclove's Diary

Thats good to hear u r doing well mags:) and wat a lovely suprise those roses must have been xxxx
Popping in to say Hello :) Doing so well hun you should be so proud of yourself and nearly there too! It was like only yesterday when we both joined the forums hehe xx
Hi Mags,

Nice to hear about the roses. Such a nice man...
Doing fine over here and hoping you are ontop of the world there!
Get back to us when you can - miss ya
Have a great weekend ladies xxx

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Scrummy roses - enjoy them you deserve them. xx
Awe Hun. Beautiful roses. He's a good man fair play. Xoxo:-Dxoxo
Lovely Mags
You see, he does love and appreciate you
Not long till your holiday, bet you're getting excited now..........
I want a holiday. Where are you going Hun? Somewhere nice and Hot i hope :D
Going home to see mum and dad!
Haven't been there for over a year and a half!
And Hun don't worry about putting a few pounds on while on hols. You'll lose it in no time.
I'll probably come back weighing a lot more than what I weigh now. I don't care. I know I'll lose it and then some when I get back.
Life is too short to get so wound up about a few pounds here and there!

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Hey Mags, hows the new job going?

I totally agree with the comments about holiday weight, it will soon be time for you to jet off, how exciting! xx
Thanks Mags, im not too worried there are hundreds of things it could be and you keep coming back and continue to do well so im inspired to do the same :D
Hope you have a great time back home i cant wait to here all the positive comments about your weight xxx
Happy holidays hun xx
Thank you ladies.
Sorry I haven't been around much but I've been ill (still am) as a dog.
I've caught a tummy bug and since Tuesday I've been on the toilet every half an hour :(
I feel drained and I really hope I'll get better before my trip.

At least all those loo sessions will make me lose weight! ;)

Talk soon everyone.
(y'all doing amazing by the way!)

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Wow Magda, just caught up with your diary from the begining. Really admire your tenacity and determination to keep going in the face of some pretty rotten challenges. Some major challenges at work, then singledom and reconciliation. Phew ! I was on the edge of my seat to see how it would end up lol

Thanks for putting the time and effort into writting it all down as it is a great read for all us at the early parts of our journey. Also it is encoraging to know that despite falls off the wagon one can achieve and refocus.

Congratulations you and hope you are enjoying your week at home xx
Lovely to see you back mags. hope ur well and look forward to reading how u r doing xxx
Thanks Hun.
It's good to be back.

Guess it's time to update my diary. It's been a while indeed.

Well. Back to London town and the grind after an amazing 10 days at home filled with love, laughter, chilaxation and a lot of food (ooops).
I won't go into details as it really is irrelevant. The bottom line is I have come off the program for nearly a month and I am prepared to deal with the consequences.
I was going to restart LL on Thursday but it didn't happen so I'm officially starting today. I have my meeting with my LLC on Monday so that's when I'll find out how much I've put on :(
To be honest I'm debating whether I should just tell them not to tell me at all.
I think I rather not know as I get very wound up and paranoid.
I rather just concentrate on being 100% each day for at least another month and a half.
I don't know it's a thought...

With regards to my family's reaction about my weight loss. Well.. there were no omg's or wow's to be honest. I must admit it did make feel a bit sad. Maybe it's not as visible as I thought... :(

Other than that things are ok. OH is behaving himself but working too hard as it's a very busy time for him with the royal wedding and loads of BH parties in town.
We are thinking of nipping out to Paris for the day soon. Might be nice :)

Hope everyone's well. Enjoy your BH weekend my darlings and spare a thought for those who have to work it :)()

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