OMG I just spent a fortune on online shopping!
I must stop. Step awaaaaay from the credit card! lol
I finally managed to track down a leather biker jacket I've been wanting to get for ages.
It's stunning. Reduced from £300 to £140.
From All Saints.
I bought size 12 so I'm praying it'll fit. If not I'll have another reason to lose weight lol
Shoes from Office followed and a gorgeous cocktail dress sex and the city style.
I really feel guilty now but hey ho. I'll get over it
Day off today so had a chilled out day. I did my circuit class this evening which I loved but I must say I struggled at the end running out of energy.
I don't really want to cut down my exercise. I love it too much and I love the results so I might have to reconsider my options and up the calorie intake somehow.
I'm in a weird place at the moment diet wise. One part of me really wants to carry on with LL, the other can't wait to get cracking with the next stage of my journey.
I know the scales might disagree but maybe I'm ready for RTM?
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