Yesterday was a complete right off. I thought, after the Pad Thai that I could stay strong for the rest of the day. After all, I'd had more than my quota of deliciousness...but no! I then had lots of sausages in the evening. I cooked sausage and mash for my Mum and BF but my BF fell asleep and didn't have any so... there was a mountain of sausages left. I had one, then another, then another. I just kept going back in to the kitchen and eating another bit.
Serves me right because today I had such a bad stomach. I had to go to work and lets say I suffered badly!
Best thing that could've happened because, yet again, I am taught a lesson in greediness in that I can't have my cake and eat it without consequences. Far too much food and my body just couldn't cope with it. So, today I've been really, really good. Despite the temptation of fish and chips tonight. I resisted and have locked myself away in the bedroom.
Like I said before, it's been a hard week with my Mum staying. The food has been abundant and delicious and I've had more than my fair share of cheats. I guess I won't be inviting my Mum back until much later in the summer
and I just have to keep learning from my mistakes. I'm feeling strong today and I know I can continue that on into tomorrow and Saturday. I've got tomorrow off and will be taking my Mum home. Saturday I have to myself (yey!!) and then Sunday and the 'family' lunch. Grrrr. Could do without it! But I'll just eat small and avoid dessert. Although, may have to drink! Anyway, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Needless to say, I am just going through a typical week of ups and downs that has become my life on this diet. Oh I wish I could be one of these people who start, do total food replacement without one slip up and drink 4ltrs of water daily and go, well I didn't get tempted once!! Is there such a person? I'm sure there is. I need to accept it's not me. I try my best every day and some days my willpower deserts me. What I need to do is make the most of the days when I'm strong and try to get as many strong days in as possible.
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.
Maya Angelou
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.
Og Mandino