Gold Member
I've never tried it, I don't like cous cous anyway so guess that's why lol xxx
Put it this way babe - it's no cream doughnut x
I've never tried it, I don't like cous cous anyway so guess that's why lol xxx
Put it this way babe - it's no cream doughnut x
Pmsl!!!! Oooo now you mention it I could just eat a cream slice from Birds lol xxx
NOOOOO! Have a lettuce leaf instead.................( yeah cos that's the same) lol
One of my friends joined and I dont think she quite 'got' it - as a snack in the evening she would boil up a pan of tatties and sit and chomp her way through them lol! Oddly enough she didn't lose much weight.
Oh and thinking of it - last Thursday there was some woman behind me going on about the boiled lasagne sheets which you can boil and bake and they're supposed to be like crisps and the C was all over that saying howq great it sounded yet my poor pretend cauliflower cheese got met with blank stares lol. I'm not a crisp fan so wont be trying the lasagne crisps and surely they fall into that very grey area of food abuse.
Oh and also, when I talked about my cauli cheese the C asked if it wouldn't just be easier to use a packet of cheese sauce mix and syn it? I was quite shocked at that.
I will keep plugging away and soon they will be making my signature 'LIZAGNE' dish every week x
I must admit I do make the couscous cake but I tend to have it on green days but warmed up with fruit and yogurt as brekkie. I know a lady at my old group who would just sit and eat the whole thing lol.
Naughty Liz lol!!! Such a little tinker
One of my friends joined and I dont think she quite 'got' it - as a snack in the evening she would boil up a pan of tatties and sit and chomp her way through them lol! Oddly enough she didn't lose much weight.
Oh and thinking of it - last Thursday there was some woman behind me going on about the boiled lasagne sheets which you can boil and bake and they're supposed to be like crisps and the C was all over that saying howq great it sounded yet my poor pretend cauliflower cheese got met with blank stares lol. I'm not a crisp fan so wont be trying the lasagne crisps and surely they fall into that very grey area of food abuse.
Oh and also, when I talked about my cauli cheese the C asked if it wouldn't just be easier to use a packet of cheese sauce mix and syn it? I was quite shocked at that.
I will keep plugging away and soon they will be making my signature 'LIZAGNE' dish every week x
I've heard of the lasagne Doritos! Someone at my group was talking about the chickpea nuts last week, my consultant isn't a tweak/food abuse fan though so quickly put her right x
I think it depends on which group you go to, I am a shift worker and my C runs lots of groups every week and everyone I go to is different. Some are more foody based and others are different.
Cant stand the ones were people moan about not losing when they have not followed the plan!! Grrr x
Oh I quite agree that due ot some people's jobs they need to have things that are quick and easy, but I was just a bit miffed that my recipes were dismissed in favour of convenience food. Don't get me wrong, when I am busy and in a hurry, I'm the first one to open a pasta and sauce too but there should be a balance x
I definately agree that it needs to be balanced. My C also makes a point that cooking from scratch doesnt mean hours slaving over a hot stove.
I can cook lots of meals in under 30 mins x
Oh I agree. I always have a low syn ready meal in the freezer for just in case. But I honestly think they taste so bland and the portions are quite small too.
I tend to cook a large meal and divide it into portions.
Ready meals tend to be full of salt/added stuff too.
Well my beef curry is one of the hairy bikers ones and I've done it a few times and I have to say it is lush. Better than any ready one - though maybe not as nice as the one from the local Indian takeaway lol. x
Yes of course and they do taste nicer. I am making a beef curry for tonight but am doing it in the slow cooker. The most time consuming bit will be chopping the beef and onions up x
The hairy dieters book is great and I've not found one in it yet that can't be made sw free or for very minimal syns
from fat to skinny jeans only 48lb to go
I quite often use the ready frozen chopped onions from Asda for quickness. They are great and save time!