New healthy hot me :-)

Good morning everyone...

Raining and windy in Dublin.... better hold on tight to my hair :D

Rose, your offer of a headscarf is so kind :) I have a few I wear around the house, but I wouldn't be confident wearing them out and about. I do wear one in the gym, but I'm usually more paranoid then about having a massive heart attack, or being the first person in history to drown in their own sweat! :eek:

My diary for yesterday...

Brekkie: Strawberries and 2 mandarin oranges
Lunch: Wholemeal wrap with beetroot, lettuce, tomato and diced chicken
Dinner: Muller fat free yogurt and some strawberries

No snacks yesterday, but drank about 2l of water :D

20 mins on crosstrainer
2500m on rowing machine

I'm finding it hard to eat 3 proper meals so I've decided I'm going to make a conscious effort to have 3 light meals from now on. I'm also going to take photos of what I cook and post them here. I hope this will give others meal ideas (afterall, you eat with your eyes first), and secondly if anyone spots anything evil and fatty in my meals... please shout!!! :D

I hope everyone has a fabulous day.... best of luck with weigh ins xxxx
happy 'scale' shopping :) (see today's entry for my confusing day with the dreaded scales)

No problem, re the headscarf, that's good that you have some for around the house, and once your lovely locks have grown back you can throw them away :)

Love the look of your yoghurt, I really like muller light and weight watchers youghurts.

Have a successful day, be good! ;)
Evening all...

What a fab day... sun shining, everyone in good form...smiling really is infectious :p

In keeping with my promise, I'm going to do something a bit different with my diary... I'll post photos of different meals, hopefully giving other people inspiration for meals ;)

Brekkie: strawberries, oranges, grapes with 2tbsp of Kelkin mixed berry granola

Lunch: Muller fat free cherry yogurt

Dinner: was YUM! :D baked salmon with roasted veg and veggie cous cous

Salmon darne
1/2 red pepper
1/2 yellow pepper
1 carrot
5 mushrooms
handful beansprouts
leftover cooked veg
1 sachet of boil in bag cous cous
1 veg stock cube
low fat cooking spray
salt, pepper, chilli,paprika, reduced salt soya sauce

Spray tin foil with low fat cooking spray.
Put thinly sliced veg in tin foil and salmon on top.
Sprinkle with pinch of salt, pepper, chilli powder and dash of reduced salt soya sauce.
Wrap in tin foil and bake for 20 mins, open tin foil and cook for another 10 mins.

Meanwhile (I feel like a tv chef :D), boil bag of cous cous in veg stock.
Once cooked, use fork to mash up grains
Add any veg you have to hand (I added raw carrot, pepper, red onion and tomato)
Pinch of pepper and paprika.

The bags of cous cous are quite big so I'll have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

Voila... yummy dinner :D Enjoy :p

Was back in the gym today and did lots :)

4000m on rowing machine
15 mins on cross trainer
15 sit ups

Must leave you now... Come Dine With Me Ireland is on :D

Have a fab evening everyone... best of luck with weigh ins xxx


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Doing well On The Way. Great to see another loss this week, you'll be at your half stone next week I reckon.

Talking of yogurt (well someone was at one point!), have you tried 'Nom' yogurts, zero fat and low cal (75 per pot) but really delicious. Do them in Sainsburys in packs of 4, the cherry ones are lush.

Have a good day.
Mmmm yummy recipe and pics :) going to give the salmon a try using your recipe (except cous cous - no likey ;)) looks and sounds delish :) Very professional OTW, think you should stand in your kitchen in front of web cam for us all to follow...with gino dicampo passing you the ingredients (as eye candy for me :flirt2:) :D

I hated yoghurts as a child, now love love love em!!!!! especially black cherry yummy yummy yum :)

Glad you've got the sun in Dublin is trying to come out up here too today.

Have a good one!
Afternoon everyone...

Barb, I hadn't thought of it like that... if I hit half a stone next week I'll be thrilled :D

I have seen the Nom yoghurts in supermarkets here but didn't even pick them up as I assumed that anything rhyming with yum couldn't possibly be low cal!! :)

I totally cherry yoghurts are seriously delish!

I'm currently watching hunky repair man fixing our dishwasher :D Yum :D

Off to gym in a little while and then back to cook something yum for dinner :p

Have a nice day everyone :p

well done on you loss so far and wish I could lose a pound every week for the next year!!!!

Your food looks lovely but you don't eat much do you!! A yogurt for lunch, I think I would eat my arm.... Still if your appetite is low it is a bonus.

Keep going as you are you are doing great and well done in th egym x x
Thanks a mill Size16... I don't eat too much but then again cos I'm still recovering I'm only working 2 hrs each day and doing minimal housework so I don't really need the same amount of energy as most people. A lot of my time is spent resting.

Have a good day xx
Evening everyone.. :D

What a fab day in Dublin again today... makes all the difference.... I can't stop smiling :D

My jeans are gone loose, I only have 2 chins :p, my arms are more toned... it's odd cos I've only lost 5 1/2lb, but I feel great :D

So my food diary for today lovelies....

Brekkie: Poached egg, 1 slice of homemade brown bread
Lunch: apple and mandarin orange
Dinner: Coriander, lime and turkey meatballs with left over cous cous from last night

100g lean turkey mince
1 lime
3/4 mushrooms

Chop 1 clove of garlic, and 3/4 mushrooms roughly
Grate rind of 1 lime
Add coriander and pepper to taste
Mix all the above with mince and roll into small meatballs
Grill for 10/15 mins, keeping an eye to make sure they don't burn

They are yum...really really tasty :D

I didn't snack at all today, been tired and busy. Drank around 2l of water. I'll probably have a Muller yogurt in a while or maybe I'll go mad and have an apple :p

Had a good day in the gym...
25 mins on crosstrainer
2500m on rowing machine

Today has been a good day, I'm feeling great... I hope everyone else is in good form ;)

Keep up the good work :D


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keep posting those yummy recipes and photos, I'm looking for inspiration, getting a bit fed up with the same sort of menu since feb! :eek: :D I'm trying to introduce new non fattening ideas, so thanks for the recipes, you're a star!

I'm not often on in the evenings, but was beginning to feel hungry, if the craving is still there when I've logged off, I'll go mad too...and have a couple of cream crackers, or a bowl of cereal!!!! :rolleyes:...wooohooooo :D

Enjoy what's left of the day and then onto tomorrow, hope the sun is still shining on you tomorrow... the luck of the irish indeed :) so jealous :jelous:!!!!!!

You are doing so well OTW - love the sound of your dinner, I think it is so important to have tasty stuff whilst dieting. You must enjoy what you do have or you crave what you mustn't!

My current fave meal is chicken tikka kebabs, steamed rice and mint yog with salad.

Per person:
Mix1 tbsp Greek 0% fat yogurt mixed with 1 tsp tikka masala paste add to 1 chopped chicken breast and leave to marinate for at least half an hour. Thread onto skewer and cook under grill on a high heat for 20mins or till cooked through. Finely slice cucumber, radish and spring onions for side salad. Mix one tsp mint jelly and 1 tbsp yog for dressing. Steam some basmati rice. Hey presto, a really yummy dins for minimal cals and super healthy too! Enjoy! (works with prawns too)
Evening everyone...

So the good spell had to come to an end, hailstones in Dublin today. Was off work today so had a massage, went to the gym, cleaned the house, had a nice long bath, boyfriend called over :eek: and now I'm just finished my dinner. It was YUMMY :p

Hope everyone had a good day... it's nearly the weekend so chins up, keep going with that wonderful motivation that's going to result in our new lovely bodies ;)

So my diary for today....

Brekkie: bowl of chopped oranges, apple, pear, grapes, strawberries
Lunch: boyfriend :D
Dinner: spicy turkey/tomato pasta dish.... mmmmm recipe and photo below :)

70g turkey mince
1/2 yellow/red pepper
1/2 small onion
handful of rocket
can of chopped tomatoes
1 garlic clove
cup of wholegrain pasta
chilli flakes, cumin, paprika, pepper, tumeric

Mix turkey mince with chilli, cumin, paprika, pepper, tumeric, onion and chopped garlic (depends on your taste but I added 1/4 tsp of each spice)
Add to wok lightly sprayed with low cal cooking spray
When brown, add chopped peppers, carrot and leave to simmer.
When veg are softened add mushrooms and can of chopped tomatoes.
Leave to simmer while pasta cooks.
Once the pasta is done, drain and add to the turkey mix. Stir well and add the rocket. Check seasoning and serve :D

It was very spicy and filling. Not a huge amount of pasta, but the veg will really fill you up. ;)

I'm really getting into a routine of going to the gym, I actually enjoy it. I'm getting really bad bruises on my legs after the gym, wonder what's causing that... they're big black ugly bruises... not attractive at all! :mad:

I was a bit pressed for time today so only did 20 mins on cross trainer and 2500m on rowing machine.

Delighted to be off work tomorrow too :D

Have a lovely evening everyone :wavey:


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Mmmm that's my kind of dinner! :)

Strange type of lunch, but enjoyable just the same I bet ;) ! ha ha

Hailstones? crikey!....wonder when they will be heading my way across the sea?

Sleep well, 'speak' tomorrow :)
Not sure today is going to be a good day folks, feeling very odd...

Head is banging, nauseous, had to leave the gym after 20 mins on the cross trainer cos I felt a bit faint. Had a bottle of lucozade and think the sugar helped, feel a bit brighter now. I'm a little anxious... this combined with all the bruises I mentioned a couple of days ago... well google isn't your friend when you google symptoms!

Hmmm I'm going to have a lie down... maybe a snooze will make things seem a little better :sigh:

On the plus side, I definitely won't be eating today! Forced a yoghurt down my throat but didn't do much for me :rolleyes:

Hope everyone is having a good one xxx
Get better soon OTW, hope you feel better after a snooze! sounds like a virus take care.

Bruises could be all your hard work in the gym, sometimes, we bang our arms, legs off furniture (or gym equipment)..and don't realise when or how we did it????

oooh I stopped googling symptoms on google a long time ago..made me feel worse and worried unneccessarily...if you still feel unwell make an appt with gp, and ease your mind!

Take good care, and get someone to pamper you :)
Morning everyone...

Still feeling a bit bleugh... sleep is definitely on the agenda for the afternoon. :)

Friday I had a fat free yogurt for brekkie, and boyfriend called in after a few drinks with chips to cure his hangover... I picked at about 10 and then felt sooooo guilty.

I went to gym yesterday to make up for it, 15 mins on crosstrainer and 3000m on rower. :)

My appetite is non existent, to the point where I feel sick at thought of eating. Yesterday I did manage a small piece of quiche, side salad and homemade brown bread for lunch. I had a couple of mandarin oranges last night.

Hoping for a good result on scales tomorrow. :eek:

Best of luck everyone... I'm off to bed xxx
Hope you feel better soon OTW! Hmmmm...could the stork be possibly visiting soon?????? :)..just a thought!

good luck for today weigh in :)

OMG :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: way to freak me out Rose! :p

hmmmmm... I'll be back.... :eek:
Afternoon everyone...

Firstly... Rose gave me a wee bit of a shock there... I had to do some serious thinking in the gym... :eek: It's all fine though... think I'm just a bit run down :eek:

Great news... lost 3.6lb :D:D:D:D:D:D I can't believe I've lost 9lb in 3 weeks, I'm thrilled :D I'm definitely noticing a difference in my clothes.... long may that continue :p Each little loss will keep me on track.....I'm so glad I found this forum, it's definitely been a huge factor in helping me stay motivated so thanks to everyone ;)

It's another gorgeous day in Dublin... sun shining, everyone in good form :p

I'll post again later when I've decided what I'm going to cook for my dinner.

Best of luck to everyone on their weigh ins... keep it up xx