Thanks FBS and Tessie. The support on this forum is lovely and I will def be buying that mouth spray.
I think you are right about taking all the meals. My hands are now very cold and a bit shaky so I will go and get a soup straight away.
I am starting to improve in my driving and even enjoy routes I know well, yet still dread new journeys but with the help of my beloved satnav I will get there.
Just stopped typing to get leek and pot soup and it is lovely !!! The only thing I haven't enjoyed so far is when I had choc/ mint warm so def on the right diet.
I was dreading my OH coming home from abroad on thursday as I would have to deal with the smell of his most excellent cooking but just got text saying he will only be home for 22 hrs before going off again for 7 days. Not only will this make things easier emotionally, but means I only have 1 days temptation to deal with and will get to second weigh-in before his next return. He tends to be a bit dismissive of anything I do so haven't told him about this diet and I don't want to be tempted and for him to see me give in and cheat.
Also in his text he mentions taking a particular interpreter with him if he gets the contract in Russia. This is the same woman who he says was too distracting and tempting as she was so beautiful so I think I can guess why she will be going !

I was pretty stung by that as he insists on saying that this split is only temporary and that we can fix things.
I am using this time in my life to really sort myself out and get to know myself properly so made myself think about it and realised that, reassuringly, I have absolutely no romantic feelings for him at all and that, although I would like to stay friends, I am ready to move on.
I think the only reason his text stung was pride, and that no one likes to think they are being replaced so quickly.
Oh well, I'll survive

I am having a lovely day at my computer, with QI on the TV all day so am very happy.
Also, 5 months ago, I bought a beautiful arab foal ( my dream horse) and she is now weaned and will be delivered next monday so am very excited.

I have 2 other horses(one in my avatar) and had a lovely day last september when I had 2 photos taken to record fantastic moments with both of them. The problem is that my weight absolutely ruined the photos and, instead of feeling good when I see them, I cringed and decided not to ride until I was thinner. If I get brave I may post them.
Maybe one of my goals should be to recreate both pics when i have lost the weight so I can be proud of myself ?
Feeling nice and warm again so off to check out washine machines on Which website xx