Still 100%
Thanks for all your lovely comments. I was so pleased with that weigh-in and so hopeful for the future that I found a site that sold the perfume I wanted as my 12st reward as I was only 1lb away.... and I just ordered it

I could have ordered it 2 days ago but was busy, and, even better, in the last 3 days I have lost another 3 lbs

I couldn' believe it yesterday when the scales said 11st 13 as getting below 12st
has been evading me for 3 yrs, and today is 11.12lb
On other diets the scales do that horrible uppy/downy thing where they say 'yes you have lost a pound' and the next day say'HA, only kidding, you've put it back on again' but on CD it doesn't happen

I suppose it is because what is going into your body is much more consistant but, so far (don't want to tempt fate) the scale just stay the same or go down.
I've had my first test as had OH home for 2 days and he had steak for both days. Strangely enough I wasn't the slightest bit tempted. The smell was lovely but somehow no associated with me in any way.
He loves cookery programmes and today I have sat through 4 episodes of Man V Food and am still okay (though I am starting to think about how nice it would be to eat a whole roast chicken

I just tell myself 'yes, that would be lovely, and I can eat it when I have lost all my weight' and so far it is working.
I'm trying to think of my next half stone treat but can't think of anything.
There is no point in buying any clothing as I have masses of things which will start fitting soon. I think my treat will be that my biggest jeans will fit so won't try them on until then.
I have the house to myself for another 7 days so can forget about food again, and try for that next goal.
Hope you are all resisting temptation ok ?