Happy New Year everyone

Didn't get to goal before xmas due to TOTM but not really bothered as still looked a hell of a lot better than I used to.
Even had a date

and we got on really well (and still are

) and I would never have had the confidence before my weight loss so gave myself a pat on the back

Ok, I have decided to drop my target weight to 9 st but not giving myself any deadlines.
I am back working with my lovely boss in London and will be here for another 6 weeks so hoping to have shifted a few lbs by then.
I started easing myself back into it by doing CD and nibbling chicken/meat but this morning decided to stop mucking about and get on with it properly so am on SS. I will start with 4 products, though, until I feel mentally able to go to 3.
I put on 6 lbs over xmas (and enjoyed every mouthful

) so am hoping they go quite quickly as seeing the scales go down gives me a real boost.
My long term plan is to get really fit and healthy so I have had my first yoga lesson to try and regain some suppleness.
If the yoga helps sort out my back I would like to start running again but will probably wait until I have lost most of my weight and go up the plans so I can have more calories.
The first 6 months of last year were the worst of my life, and the last 6 were the best so hoping this year is a bit more 'stable' and full of good things, but I know if it is, it is up to me to make it happen.
I am feeling strong and positive and hope all of you feel the same way

Good luck everyone xxx