Pretty happy so far.took hone made stew onto work each day, had a decent amount of gravy in it but it was pretty much all the carbs I ate. I'm looking forward to getting weighed tomorrow.
Still mainly eating chicken and veg or meat and veg for tea. Going to make pepper sauce tonight and treat myself I think.
I an eating lots of apples and berries. This is helping me keep "regular"I think. Its keeping by skin lovely as well....fingers crossed its going really well.
Ps it is expensive though, meat costs a bomb!
Got weighed today.bit annoyed as my scales weighed different things depending where I stood in the kitchen but taking the heaviest weight I have lost another ...................2lb
Dead pressed.actually think I have, lost more, and I got weighed in clothes whereas normally I weigh starkers.
So am very happy.
Had bacon and sausage for lunch.our pesky builders have been in all day doing work on the house so I then went on a walk to get elf to sleep.
Tea is homemade cheese burgersnot done it before but am willing to try x
lol that is sooo funny :0) xxSo today I made pork loin.
I doubt I will ever eat it again.
Ahhhhh I do not know what I did but it was gross