New start new me and a diary to keep it up!

Hiya Nikki :wavey:

Its so nice to know people read my little old diary!

Syns in Mikado -0.5 per sticky! nom!

They really have saved me at night time, I have to have a cup of tea before bedtime (cuz I'm an old fart now I've hit 25!) and thats when I struggle cuz I want a biccy with it, so these are great because you can have 10 for 5 syns- the equivalent to a 2 finger kit kat (which with me is nommed in about 3 seconds flat) so you can really take your time with them and they distract me long enough to finish my cuppa! Also they come in dark chocolate and white- they are tasty and also half price at asda at the moment (I now have millions of boxes in the cupboard and OH kindly rations them for me!)

I'm not too worried about the pizza- it could have been a lot worse and I'm hoping if I am good today I may still lose at WI.

Anyway good luck for the week, are you following Extra easy or red and green?

Claire xxx
Hi love, thanks for the choccy info! I think I need to try growing up then and drinking tea and coffee in the evening rather than alcohol!! 26 now and getting scarily close to 30! Right I am off to get those beauties now! I am doing EE, i have been posting some of my diaries, so please feel free to have a nose, I need as much help as I can get....xx
Hi Claire, you'll lose 6lb by end of august defo I reckon!! Your doing so well have you weighed yourself for this week yet? How have you done?

Can I ask wat stir fry sauce you use that's 4 syns? I'm having beef stir fry tonight so need to get a sauce

So do you work or study? Do you find the diet easy whilst doing that? I find it hard cos work in a call centre office so easy to pick must resist!!

I will write a food diary as not sure if I can put wat i've had on this thread. Also don't worry about the pizza you'll pick it up again x
Hello Freshstartnewme! I love reading your diary, so will be keep reading if thats ok??

Also, just wanted to check what Weight Watchers Bread you are having for your HEX??

You are allowed 3 slices of the Weight Watchers Sliced Brown Danish NOT the Danish on its own!! Hope that makes sense, basically it has to be the "brown" danish not the normal danish.

Just thought I would mention as some other people on here have been using the wrong one. Hope you dont mind! :)

Hey Nikki- so whats the verdict on Mikado- hope you managed not to eat the whole box- I sometimes could!

Harrysmum- I weigh in on a Thursday so will see what happens in the morning, then starting from tomorrow 6lbs by end of August at least! For the stir fry sauce I usually use the blue dragon sachets, they range from between 4-9 syns a packet, so I half it as my partner has half. They do lots of different types, and I know you can do free sauces but I find them easier! They are the only sauce I don't make from scratch now!!

I work full time as a PA- I know what you mean about picking, I have got myself into a routine though. Banana at 11am, lunch at 1pm and then maybe an alpen bar or apple at about half three with a cuppa! So I stick to that and then am not tempted to pick. I am lucky I work in the middle of nowhere with no shops so I can only eat at work what I take, so if I don't take bad things- I can't eat them!! I find it harder to do the diet and work full time when I am not prepared. I did a whole weeks meal plan last week and its worked well for evening meals as I know what I am making in advance! Give it a go and plan your whole week and see if you can stick to it! Do you cook for your little one and partner too- I try and do things that my partner will eat- he's really good with it actually. Don't think he cares too much aslong as he gets his grub!!

Hey bubalicious!! :wavey:

Yes I Knew about the ww bread, I made the mistake at first by having three danish, but then realised it was just the brown danish. So sometimes you will see I have three pieces and just HEB it, and sometimes I will have 2 and then point a third piece if I have one. Lol thanks for pointing it out though I need someone to keep me right! And of course you can read- I thought no one did so its nice that someone is listenning to my rambles!!!

Well I'm just back from a little shop at tesco... £82 later :eek: the only issue with this diet is its quite expensive. Feeling happy though as got LOADS of fruit and veg so am less likely to stray as we have good things in the house.

Got loads of recipies to try next week so excited for that!!

Anyway tea for tonight ended up as Turkey Rogan Josh:

Rogan Josh paste- 3 syn
tinned tomatos

small piece naan bread- 10 syn

So up to tea time I had 4.5 syns makes total syns for the day 17.5!! opps so much for being good!!

Have a great evening everyone
Hey all :) hope you're having a great evening?
Harrysmum - Thanks :) I do see this as a way of life, but I do have the odd thing / day / week off plan.
Glad to see everyone is doing so well and fitting SW around life. Claire - well done for staying in control with the pizza! I think dominos is rubbish anyway, lol. Not enough topping for me. Now McDonalds is a different, Yvonne, step away from the McFlurry.....
I get weighed tomorrow - good luck to us lol. Would like to join the 6lbs in August challenge if that's ok? 6 more pounds before wedded bliss (and the beach) would be much appreciated :) x
Naan bread is a killer!! Just felt like sharing your pain of the syns in a curry and the weekly shopping bill when you are trying to be really good can be pricey. I love making the SW Chicken korma but buying in all the ingredients can cost a bit and then i end up with some leftover ingredients that end up in the bin... xx
Morning lovely, havent been online for a few days..sophie started crawling yesterday so I havent had 5 mins to get online. Good luck with the weighin this morning :). You ve had a good week, that pizza blip wont make much difference i dont think! I didnt go weigh in ;-o..i weighed at MIL and put a pound on :-(. So new start this week, I will loose weight. 6 pounds off by the end of august yay!

Oh silly question useless at cooking unless i have a recipe to follow. So im cooking the chicken tonight, i plan to use it for sandwhiches, a stew/soup, and then with pasta..can i heat it up with the pasta or add cold once its cooked?
Hey Emma - maybe fry some veggies (onions, peppers) in fry light, add some garlic and some chopped tomatoes / passata and then add the cooked chicken to this to heat through. You could then put the cooked pasta in and combine? i do this quite a lot, and it's lovely. You can even add other veggies to get loads of superfree x
Morning everyone :wavey:

Well I am reporting in with a 1.5lb loss this morning taking me to 10.5 lbs! Slow and steady wins the race I am telling myself :)

Boring story sorry! :

Well the curry last night came about because of my boyfriend. We went to tesco and I was really tired when we got in and when I asked him what he wanted for his tea he said "I'm going to make you a curry" I was touched that he was going to cook, because although he helps me out in the kitchen I tend to do it myself as I quite anal about things! I was worried because I thought he meant he was going to use a jar sauce from the cupboard and I really wanted to stick to plan because of weigh in today, so I asked him which jar he was going to use (so I could secretly run off and syn it!) but he said "your not allowed the jars ones- I am going to MAKE you a curry" so bless him he got me to show him what I was allowed that was 'free' and he set to work and make me a lovely curry. I loves him I do :heartpump:


Giblet! - Hello! :wavey: hows the wedding prep going!? :love047:Of course you can join our 6lb challenge!! I start today- I will make a little list and post in a min with us all on and then we can add to it as we go :) How did WI go today- or do you have it at class tonight?

Bet you can't wait to get on that beach- where are you getting married? Got all your honeymoon clothes sorted? I was so pleased I ordered some size 16 stuff fromt the sale in Matalan- I was an 18/20 when I started and I actually got it all on, and did the skirt I ordered up! So not as bad as I thought, 10 weeks till hols so hopefully they should all fit nice by then! If I can stay out the fridge!:eatdrink051:

Emma- Morning lovely girl! Hows the lovely little baba of yours? Bless her starting to crawl- least you might burn some more calories running around after! Yep I agree with giblet on the chicken, do you sauce then you can warm the chicken through in the sauce, then pour over your pasta and mix it all up!! Yum! I am sure it will be great, I really find that roasting a chicken gets your a lot more meat and like you say you can use for sarnies, and in different meals. Let me know how it goes, give me a text if you get stuck! If you chicken is a massive one, you might need to give it longer in the oven to roast, tbh if you leave heat on medium the longer you cook the more tender it will get!

Nikki- Naan bread is the killer I am a carb fiend. My Oh doesn't realy go for the carbs and is all about the meat, but the bready and carby bits in meals are the best for me!! I really enjoyed it though, so a nice treat but back to serious 100% sticking to plan for this week! I want my 1 stone shiny this week. I WANT IT!! *stamps feet*

Right I will get round to posting my food now and also going out little challenge!!

Claire xx
Ok so food for today: I am going to try something new this week and also keep a weekly total of my syns.

Thursday 29th EE

HEA: is always milk!

Breakfast: (Had a nice big brekkie this morning as was up early!)

2 tesco healthy choice sausage (2 syns)
2 rashers baked bacon
small amount scrambled egg
2 ww brown danish toast (HEB)
Low fat marg (2 syns)
Blueberry juice (4 syns)


Ham salad (lettuice, cucumber, tomato)
Low fat mayo (2 syns)
Muller light

Snack for later : Banana

Tea is going to be chilli! Never made it before so shall see what happens!!

Chilli (hopefully syn free- following a recipie I found on here) I am going to allow 3 syns for the chilli as I used some tomato purree
Cheese- (HEA)
Total syns: 18

MIKADO ATTACK! -managed to stop at 10 though :)- 5 syn

For the week 18/105
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oohh sounds good! I had a fryup this morning to lol, well bacon in the oven, fried egg with frylight and some bake beans. Fill me up till lunch, undecided bout lunch i think it will be tuna salad with lettuce, peppers, onion and sweetcorn. Tea will be chicken, jacket pot and veg. It says 2 hours 10 on the packet for the chicken...smells good lol xx ps well done for that 1.5 pound :), easily going to meet our target xxxx
6lbs by the end of August mini challenge!! We have exactly: 4 weeks 5 days starting today, or 4 weeks and 2 days starting from monday!

So if you can all just let me know when you weigh what you have lost and I can add it on to your little line :) :party0011: good luck!

Freshstartnewme! 0lbs down 6 to go!
Emmaleonie1984 0lbs down 6 to go!
Giblet 0lbs down 6 to go!
Harrysmum 4.5lbs down 1.5 to go!

P.s anyone else wanting to join in just repost and add your name :)

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Hey emma :)

Your food sounds good for today- I find having a big breakfast helps me stay on track for the day.

Just keep checking the chicken every half hour, you will be able to tell when its done- like I said, leg should pull off easily and juice should run clear. Only issue I have is when I am picking the chicken off I eat it! and its hard not the eat the skin- mmmmmm. But I usually have 2 little cats sat at my feet waiting for bits for magically fall into their mouths!

Good luck with today! I will let you know how the chilli comes along. Never made it before...!

Might try those brownies at the weekend too. Does you fella work weekends or just in the week? xx
Hi everyone, I love reading all these posts :) and well done Claire on your loss this morning that's really good!
I had beef stirfry last night and used one of them pouches had the oyster sauce one there so nce and low syns :) I am really pleased as didn't go over my syns and had no naughty snacks stuck to the plan to the dot!
I'm determined to do this challenge we're on thanks for adding me to it
I get weighed on a Tuesday so will let u no how I get on I'm hoping for a big loss as delivering yellow pages from today got a week to do them.
We can all do it tho!! :D that's amazing your clothes fit well done I would be so happy!!

I'm going to have pitta bread pizza tonight it's gorgeous the recipe is ..
1 pitta asda wholemeal pitta bread - HEB and you put tomatoes some cheese as HEA then any topping u want Im going to have some chicken, mushrooms and sweetcorn but I've also had chorizo, bacon and mushrooms you can add anything and have slimming world wedges or salad with it :)

have a good day everyone
Hayley xx
Hey Hayley

that pitta bread pizza sounds tasty! I am going to try that sommetime.

Delivering those yellow pages will get some calories off, they are heavy!

I am positive we can all do that challenge! I think we can smash it! Wouldn't it be something if between the 4 of us we lost 2 stone!! that would only mean a couple of pounds extra!

Those pouches for stir fry are nice, I make all my sauces now apart from stir fry as I just can't make them as nice so don't mind using the syns with them!

I'm excited to find out your loss on tuesday I shall be lurking to find out!!

Where abouts in the country are you?

Claire xx
I'm in Hampshire/surrey live in fleet. Live with my partner and have a 7 month old he keeps me busy lol.
Where abouts are you?
I get weighed in the evening so will come on and put my weight loss on imediatly!
Yea we'll all smash it :)
where u off to on hols?

Have you any plans for the weekend? That's where I slip up I find weekends the hardest to stick to plan really need to keep planning and sticking to it!
I make my sauces now too altho I wanna find a sweet n sour one cos there massive syns out the jar! And not made a curry yet cos there huge syns too

Hey Hayley,

I live in Lincoln, we just moved here from Newcastle in March. How did the WI go! Looking forward to finding out!

We are off to Corfu on our hols- I can't wait. 11 weeks to go, and I would like to get at least another stone off before then.

Have you had a look at the recipies thread for a sweet and sour sauce. I made a slimming world chilli tonight- was really tasty! Not quite as chilli-ish enough! it felt like it was missing something so going to have to play around with it!!

Claire xx
hey ill have to look at the recipes I want to make a curry tomorro as cheap as possible!
I got weighed Tuesday night I lost a pound and got my stone award :) I'm going on a mini cruise with some friends on 14th October 3 nights away with food and drink can't wait hehe so want to lost atleast another stone by then so I can buy some smaller clothes! It's taken 7 wks to lose my first stone so I hope I can do it!

I'm feeling drained and tired tonight want comfort food but stopping myself! Gonna have some fruit and yoghurt in abit

bet you can't wait for hols!
Have you stuck to the plan today?