New start new me and a diary to keep it up!

Spaghetti Carbonara!!

I only measure what needs measuring :)


Bacon- fat trimmed off (we use smoked)
One onion (we use red onions)
28g parmesan cheese per person (HEA)- (you can use normal cheese too)
Salt and pepper
One egg
200ml chicken stock


1. Pop your pasta on to boil (when you drain it you need to keep about 2-3 ladles of the water you used to boil pasta in.

2. While pasta is boiling- mix the cheese, egg, salt and pepper into a bowl with a whisk- when your pasta is done- use the pasta water you took aside and whisk into this mixture.

3. Fry the ham and bacon with frylight - once cooked pop to one side.

4. In the same pan fry the onion, garlic, add the chicken stock and reduce until the stock gets a little thicker and kind of coats the onions and garlic.

5. Once the pasta is cooked, mix the cheese mixture, the bacon and ham and the onions and stock all together!

6. Toss well and cook through for about 2 mins, make sure the pasta is all coated.

7. Sprinkle a little cheese on the top if you want.

-You can also add some other veggies if you want, we put some asparagus in ours!

Easy and tasty pasta for something different, first time we have tried and will be doing again. Even the OH liked it. :)
Monday August 2nd

Morning everyone :)

Right I have decided no more messing around now! This weight is not going to get itself off if I am not comitted 100%. Few mess ups this week so need 3 100%with low syns to compensate for Thursdays weigh in!!

I AM going to drag myself for another run tonight after last nights oopsies!

Anyway food plan for today:

Mango- I have decided I don't much like mango!
Fat free greek yogurt- I have decided I don't really this either!

Ham salad- ham, lettuice, tomato's, cucumber.
Extra low fat mayo (2 syn)
Muller light

Snack: Banana

Left over paprika chicken- syn free (syns counted on saturday)
Left over spaghetti cabonara -syn free

Total syns for the day:2

Need to try and have a HEA and a HEB!!

Total syns for the week : 95.5/105

Update: So for tea we also had some couscous with our leftovers so 1 syn for half the pack.

Sitting down with a cuppa and an alpen bar now (HEB) has haven't had a HEB today, so going to have an alpen bar instead of some mikado and keep the syns :)

Total syns for today: 3

Total syns for week: 95.5/105
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Hey Claire - sounds like a plan! I also had that plan until I had home made shortbread that my patient made me, and then 2 choccie bars (although actually only a fudge and 2 finger kit kat which could have been worse). That'll teach me not to have time for lunch!
Going to try for 100% tea though, and 100% rest of the week (I weigh in on Thurs too).
It's great that you're sticking to the running though - that's dedication for you! I need to take some inspiration from ya!
Hope you've had a great day so far x
Hey Giblet!

Bless your patient for making you shortbread! Flowers would have been better though- can't eat them!

Hopefully we can both pull it back before Thursday :)

I have just been for my run, feel crap when I do it, and I am rubbish at it, I'm not built to run but I know its not going to get easier unless I go it, also got the run 10k again in October and am about 2 stone heavier than last year when I did it. Got some work to do. :(

Lol I have 10 syns to last me three days, so tried to be extra good today and managed to stick to 2 so far! We shall see how it goes at supper time when I get peckish!!

What you having for tea anything nice?

Hope you had a good day

Claire xxx
Tuesday 3rd August

Morning everyone,

Can't believe its the 3rd of August already, only 10 weeks until the run 10k! eek!

I need some serious rocky montage fitness going on! :character00116:

Well I went for a run last night, I might start a new page with my times on so I can compare. I hate running- Its not a natural movement to me, I find it uncomfortable as I am heavy chested, but I know its not going to get any easier unless I practise.

Porridge oats (HEB) + (2 syn) - I know the allowance is 28g, but the sachet I had was 36g.
Milk (HEA)

Ham salad
Extra light mayo (2 syn)
Muller Light

Snack: Low fat supernoodles

Chicken breast
Slimming world chips
Tiny sprinkle cheese (3 syn)
Stir fry veg

Hopeful syns for the day: 7

Total syns for the week: 102.5/105
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Running training times!

Right I have an application on my phone called my tracks that tracks details on my runs so going to update on here so I can see if I improve or not!!

Run 1: 3.77km- 36.02 mins- average speed- 6.28km/hr

Run 2: 3.28km- 30.45 mins- average speed- 6.41 km/hr

Run 3 : 2.86km- 25.58mins- average speed- 6.63km/hr
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just wanted to say hello - your running makes me feel tired just reading it! :D xxx well done on your weight loss so far x
Hello ellebear :wavey:

Running sucks! lol I hate it. 16 and a half stone people should not run!

But apparently its good for you, I can't afford the gym and so its really (apart from cycling) the only free exercise I can think off! Also doing the run 10k in October for cancer research so need to get practising!

I'm hoping it will get easier the lighter I get - heres hoping anyway!!

Your doing brilliantly- have you got the wedding all booked? XX
Hi everyone, weigh in tonight :( eek!! I'm hoping I've lost atleast 3lb but who knows! I've done loads of walking so must have a loss!
I'm going to make that carbonara tomorro night Claire it sounds yummy!!
Well done on your running it'll get easier! I'm making a curry tonight will let you know how it goes

I will post on the challenge how I do xx
4.5 lbs!! FANTASTIC :party0011:
Wow - fantastic loss Harrysmum! That is excellent and well deserved. Also - I'm very impressed with your running Claire. Can you send me some motivation again please?
Hope everyone is well?
I'm fully expecting a gain on Thurs after the weekend and haven't been so on plan since :(
Feel like a balloon and quite sore - just goes to show that it's better to follow SW, although that doesn't seem to stop me wanting to go to McD's for a flurry (I've got undressed so I am less tempted as I can't be bothered to get dressed again, lol) x
Wednesday 4th August

Hi lovelies :)

Well weigh in tomorrow and then I will be changing to a wednesday as I am joining group next week. I couldn't afford to go, but have managed to do a few extra hours at work as a cleaner! So have scraped together enough to get a 12 week thingy which will take me right up to my holiday so thats good timing.

Me and the lovely Emma Leonie are going to buddy up and kick some butt!!

I would love to lose at least another stone by then that would be great.

So anyway food for today:

1 sausage (2.5 syns)
Scrambled egg
2 ww toast
Low fat marg (2 syn)


Little bit of roast chicken
half a roasted sweet potato
some left over stir fry veg

Muller light

I am going to do chicken and pasta with a vegetable tomato sauce with peppers, onion, courgette sweetcorn and passata.
Tomato puree (1 syn)

Total syns for the day: 5.5

Total syns for the week (last day today): 108/105

Well I am pretty happy that I managed to pretty much keep in syns. After the naughty things I had a couple of nights ago I was just going to not syn it and carry on, but I did syn it and compensated so I hope its going to have paid off!

Hope you are all having a lovely day

Claire xx
Hey Claire, that'll be good to join I find I stick to it more as I go to group I love this diet it's def the one for me!
Hope you have a loss tomorro, it's nice to get the certificates from group they keep me going!
I've lost 18 1/2 pounds in 8 weeks before this diet I never stuck at it longer than a week!!

Does Emma live near you? That's good to have a buddy to keep you going, I'll be your buddy also over the computer hehe seeing your menus keeps me going too!

I would love to lose 2 stone by November for my bday if I can!

Have a good evening x
Hey Hayley!
18.5 lbs in 8 weeks is phenomenal, well done you!

Yeah Emma lives reasonably near by, we met up through here- so nice to make a friend! So we are going to go to class together, I have lost a 1lb every week but I am hoping class will help me get a bit more off.

2 stone by November is definitely do-able, how much do you want to lose altogether?

Did you try any of the recipes yet? I did a lovely paprika chicken last week- will post for you.

No not tried them yet was gonna try the carbonara tonight but my OH went cinema so I just made jacket potato and salad might try it tomorro.
How was the paprika chicken?

That's really good you met someone so close to keep eachother going!
I'm really pleased with my loss never done that before! But all the walking helps will be hard wen I'm back to work!

I'm not sure wat my goal is about 10 stone 10 pounds I think but it's more dress size I wanna be a 14 would love that!!

Wat about you? X
Hey there!
Claire - well done on your loss :) I really enjoy my class too, so hopefully it'll give you an even bigger boost.
Hope everyone else is well x
I;m going to bin my scales!!

Hello everyone :wavey:

Well Thursday is weigh in for me- I jumped of the scales yesterday and had a 1lbs loss- yey I thought, but jumped on today and STS.

So as I am going to be doing a class on a wednesday now I am going with wednesdays weight ha!! Lol.


I went to the nurse this morning and asked her to weigh me just out of interest... and my scales are bloody 7LBS OUT!!!

So I don't know what to do now- guess just wait for next wednesday and start with what the class weighs me in at!

Nice feeling though to know I have hopefully lost 17.5lbs instead of 10.5lb in 9 weeks! I was getting a bit down about only loosing 1lb each week, but 17.5lbs is a good weight loss :D

Fingers crossed for wednesday!

Claire x