new start, we have let things slip

good on you on the 2lb loss bren, sabina bites sound horrid, hope the tablets work quickly, you can now see how i put on the weight in the summer hols with the all inclusive dining.
bren - one thing you must understand - never feel bad if you lose and we gain - rub it in our faces!!! as it will make us put our bums into gear!! i will now be chasing fb to get back down after i declare the weight gain tomorrow. Legs are ugly and ver sore so hoping to try and keep them raised now that the doc has signed me off for a few days in the hope that they become less painful.
yes fb - i dont usually eat that many meals a day!! and its a bit too much. I was on virgin coktails the whole time as i dont drink alcohol but theyre just sugary syrupy icy thinks loaded with cals. will post tomorrow. night all x
ok - i weighed in but had to recheck 3 times and I'm 12stone 1lbs. I know I had put some on before I went away so i don't think the hol is the only thing to blame. So heres to getting back on track and aiming for at least a pound a week.
omg, holidays are just the pits, well you know what has to be done, so start over again. are you going to change weigh in day to wednesday? or have another weigh in on monday and keep to that.
will revert to monday from next week. did wednesday as thought it was best to see the damage but to be honest i think half of that was put on before i went as i know i had slipped up.
hia ladies i am sorry i havent been on much. been a few weeks of well interesting occurences. I went to see my mate at uni and i was a bit naughty with drink, but very good with food. At home i have been naughty with food i think. i have still got a really bad stomach, so i am trying to eat well but it just aint happening.. Other occurence is, the other half proposed last night. i am still im more then a bit of shock. No date set or plans made yet.

soo, graduation is creeping up on me and now this to try and think i neeeeddd to get going and making effort on things now. I know ill regret it is i dont. I will do a weight in on sunday morning and see my start of weight and then hopefully things will get going!

sooo happy!
hey congrats! did you accept then i take it? yes - this is even more reason to see what your new start weight is and get back on track. you know you can do it! x
:love047: congratulations jubean.
thank you!!

and yes bum in gear is definetly right. i have rather a while but i want to start trying dresses in teh summer so i want to be down to weight i want and then be maintaining. Not sure if i am going to make my own or buy real plans yet. I have wasted the evening looking at stuff though! venues in north wales are rather limited - but the ones that i find are really picturesque.

and i did say yes....straight away....literally. and then started giggling.

thinking at the moment if i can just do the 1lb a week, ill be 18lb off for graduation....and then i can keep working at it for longer. Getting tempted to sign up for a race for life again to get me motivated into doing the exersize.

main propblem at the moment is my stomach. Tablets are helping with pain but bloated doesnt cover how i am feeling.....balooned majorly. so i need to get this sorted. hopefully i can get doctors sorted and this fixed, do not like feeling like this at all!

hope you three ladies are keeping well!
hey fb - how did weigh in go. good luck for tomorrow JuBean x
1lb off so just back to where i was 2 weeks ago. have decided no wine tonight as this is my downfall and i eat everything in sight when i drink.
well done.
thank you, expecting good result from you on monday my girl.
hia ladies! i got 12st 12lb :D so not a gain even though its been a few weeks. Me and the hubby to be are going to go to the gym together once a week. Should be good! He wants to get rid of his little Beer belly, and knows it will help me with getting going on the exersize.

been looking at wedding dresses....still not sure if im making or buying :S

let us know how you do Sabina!
well done and good luck with the gym. I'm hoping i havent put anything on since I came back as today took mum out for meal. Anyway, I have been shopping for healthy veggies and have got lots of healthy recipe ideas in head so starting over for good tomorrow with one shake and fruits during the day and a healthy cooked meal in the eve. The hardest part for me will be is when i cook i overcook, so i have to stick to making one portion and if not must freeze 2nd serving straight away. I've brought a variety of ingredients so should work and shouldnt get bored. Hope I can make myself go to the gym even once as a start this week too. Booked a short trip to london in 4 weeks with mum so i would like to be a few pounds lighter and defo not 12 stone anything when i go. I have to do it.
if i did a trip away with my mum i would loss weight as she would watch every mouthful that i eat and would not allow me to eat badly.but if i go away with hubby he would let me everything i want which is not a good thing as pass holidays have proved.
lol. i stayed the same at 12st 1. Here's to seeing less of us all next weigh in x
so you have high hopes for next week then? so do i as i was really good all week end and today, i am in the zone, i was counting on 1lb per week to be a nice weight for my summer holidays and am 3 weeks behind schedule so full steam ahead for wishful thinking maybe 2lb off next weight in.
that would be good. its totm so im eating but not bad food. lots of fruit etc so lets see how next weigh in pans out
still being good, am managing 30 mins on wii fit every evening as well as my walk home.