new start, we have let things slip

Hello everyone :) Forever Starting Over pointed me in the direction to here and it looks like it's a great place to keep motiviation! I'll definitely pop in regularly if you all don't mind :) ?
Please can I join too :) I need a Monday morning weigh in group ! :) I have about 2 months to loose the rest of my weight and would love to keep it off as I am sick of putting it all back on. I feel so good when I am under 11 stone. More energy and more confidence easier to sit in a curled up position! This is what I am keeping in my head! :)
Hope your all having a good week peps! xx
Hi FSO and newbies !!! Hehe !! I'm still around, lost another 2 lbs this week to hit my target for October. Will probably have a bit of an unsettled week due to the Hurricane and us being slap bang in her path !! The joys of living here, eh ???

Never been more thankful that we live on a hill !!!

Diva x
Hiya can I join in please. I am a classic yoyo-er been on and off slimming world for about 2 years now and getting no where. Rejoined my group at start of September and lost ten pounds then missed two weeks and went completely off the wagon! Finding it so hard at the moment and need some extra support.
Going to rejoin sw at a new group on Monday as feel I need a fresh start at a different group where people don't know what a terrible yoyo er I really am.
Claire x
Hi all!!! Of ocurse you can join us!! We weigh in on Mondays and Im sorry I havent been able to post until now. Diva I made it to 11st 7 AND A QUARTER!!!!! So unfair - as missed target by quarter of a pound!! evil weighing scales!!!
Ryan we look forward to seeing less of you each week in terms of your weight and yes I am sure we can keep each other motivated as I definitely need it!!
Hi Spoo and hi claire - It will be great to see how you both do and I think we all need some good old "tellings offs" and support at times especially as its getting close to Christmas.
I had a date night last night and as long as I restrict my treats to date night it might just work! Monday's goal is to reach 11stone 7lbs. I know it doesnt seem like much but just to see 11st 7lbs again feels like a miracle!!
Diva - the young man I am seeing is making me happy so lets see - it's early days so far.
I am however worried about you? Has the hurricane affected you? Please post soon so we know you are okay.
Ryan, Claire and spoo - For me my losses need to be steady but small in order for me to keep them off. As long as the scales go down - even by half a pounds its all in the right direction. My goal for Chrsitmas would be to be a normal bmi - which is something I have to work very hard to reach so unsure if it will be achieved but can only try!!! Keep posting!!! xoxo
I'm fine, wow that was a Superstorm and a half !!! I stayed in our basement overnit with the Cats as it was spooking them so much !! ( not as bad as it sounds, honestly we have a bar down there and a big 6 seater sofa !! :) ) there was a lot of damage to houses, roof tiles, and sidings flying about, one came crashing down in front of our Dining Room window, scared Mr D and I !!! Luckily, we didn't even lose power !! So, that's two Hurricanes and two Earthquakes, I've been through over the years, LOL !! I think that's enough !!

My goal for November is to drop 7 lbs, I didn't eat many sweets, etc over Halloween, as I only bought stuff I didn't like !! Hehe !! Let's keep focused people !! We can do this !!

Diva x
Got up today to do my weekly weigh in ; to find I've lost 3lbs this week - brining me comfortably down to 14st on the nose.
Words cannot explain :D
Hey Diva
Glad to hear youre all okay but its not good about the damage to your house. You seem to have adjusted to living out there!
I actually think he's a keeper but watch this space!! :)
Well done Ryan on your loss - that's amazing news and it means whatever you are doing you must be doing right!! My dates and head in the clouds this weekend has meant I have put on this week. Walk of shame needed and feel free to tell me off. We went for a bike ride on Saturday which was gruelling but that ended in a fabulous place that serves the best desserts and we only went in for dessert. Then there was more cake yesterday!! GRRRRRRR!! I must see 11stone 7 soon - right now I feel the only time it happens is if I am ill! Its going to be totm too so I doubt I will lose any for next mondays weigh in and will see what my weight is in 2 weeks. Diva - how have you done this week? Well done once again Ryan and stay focused ..... if only I could follow my own advice!! :)
Hi everybody, well I had loads of food this weekend as we were socially very busy !! Giant Chinese Meal, lots of wine and Coconut Rum, plus I ate one of the best Cheesecakes EVER !! Not the whole cake, a big ol' slice !! hehe !! Also, had some Baileys Choccy Truffles, which were scrummy !!
The Diva was a little piglet !!

Luckily, I did actually drop 2 lbs, don't know how, and it doesn't feel at all deserved, I think I escaped a STS, because of the walking, I managed six walks this week, and I did control the diet M to F, before my food fest weekend !!

Loving your dates FSO !! Bike riding, then cakes !! Yay !! Is this potential Mr FSO into fitness etc ??

Diva x
well done on the 2lbs loss!! That's amazing and I so want a slice of this cheesecake you mention!!! Ok what did you mean by M to F.
He enjoys mountain biking but hes a comfortable weight so I don't worry about my own weight and he makes me feel comfortable about myself which is a big change. I do still want to get to 11st and hope that it can happen and each week I will keep trying but I havent dated someone who treated me well and I am just taking each day as it comes. Diva - I want some cheesecake!!And yes long bike ride followed by cake is just perfect!! :)
Hello everyone,

I lost two and a half stone up to May 2012. I have put one and half stone on since then. I would like my slimmer body back - I feel healthier, happier and more energetic! Here's to losing what I put on again!

I'm a SW girl so any tips or quick and easy recipes (I'm a busy student!) would be great.

Morning All !! M to F, is Monday to Friday !! Lol !! It's what I'm hoping to keep going in my life when I'm lighter, healthy and good food M to F, with one day off at the weekend, and then one day getting back onto it !! Now all I need to do is get the social life working around this too and I'll be rocking this dieting malarky !! Yay !!!

I don't think Mr D and I ever had any healthy dates when we met !! It was wining and dining all the way, baby !!!

I used to love bike riding and I am hoping to get back into it next Spring. Mr D should be ready by then too, as he's recovering still from some old back troubles.

Welcome Beth !! Are you away at Uni ?? I know that can be hard and I know lots of people who have gained a lot of weight since they went. For poor students, I would be trying to cook up a big batch of meals in one go, and freezing the spare portions for later... Like Veggie Curry, Veggie Chilli or a chunky Veg Soup ( can you tell I'm a Veggie, lol ! )
Then just zap in the Microwave and serve with maybe a salad or in Winter, a nice jacket spud !! I used to make Breakfast low cal Muffins, and freeze a load of them, much cheaper than buying an individual one with my Coffee each day. I guess another tip would be cut out the alcohol, but with Christmas round the corner, maybe that should wait until Jan !! Hehe !!

I had a cheeky look on the scales ( yes I know I am always trying only to WI once a week, but some old jeans fitted me, and I was intrigued to check my weight because of this !!) and I'm 201 lbs this morning !!! Let's hope I can hang on to that pound loss for Mon WI !!! I'm going to a fancy meal at a friend's tomorrow, so there will be yummy foods and a little alcohol !!! So fingers crossed !!

Have a great weekend !! Where's Mr Maybe the Future Mr FSO taking you this weekend, FSO ??? Hehe !! We need a nickname for him !!!

Diva x
Hi Viva!


Thanks for the suggestions - the muffins sound great! Making the big batches is a good idea too - I'm a 2nd year law student so everything is very busy and hectic! Luckily (or unluckily!!) I am alcohol intolerant so no syns go towards alcohol!

Thanks once again, all the best for this week's WI! :)
HI Diva,Beth and all others. Diva I have had a sneaky look at he scales too and its not looking good but I did say I was not going to weigh in until next Monday as now it's TOTM I know some of the gain will be attributed to that. I am sorry that I keep having to get you to clarify all the abbreviations. I lauged when i reaised what M-F means - how silly of me. Well this wk was my date night so we went bowling and realised I am not a big fan of bowling but it was still good to spend time together. I cooked for him yesterday -dangerous!!! We are planning to meet this afternoon after the remembrance sunday service he is at and either go for a walk or some cycling if theres time to collect my bike from the bike shop. So let's see. Beth - I would also suggest making big batches and freezing that way you just have to blitz in the microwave! Good luck with weigh in xoxo
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Hiya!! Lost a pound !! ( Well kept it off, as I am still 201 lbs, if that makes sense !! ) My weekends off are taking their toll !! Weight loss is slowing down !!

Back to it today, my walking is done and I stuck to healthy amd low fat, so a good start to the week !!!

Diva x
FSO !! I got a STS !!! I am le sad !!! Though it was another weekend off !! Planned but OMG, I need a break from being a social bunny !! None of these meals or events with friends are about healthy salads and sparkling water !! Hehe !!! Dammit !!
And with Thanksgiving later this week, I'm going to struggle through ( we don't do anything special, but there is a lot on around us !!) eeeekkkk !!!

How are you doing ?? Still dating ?? I was in the City at the weekend, and even all that walking couldn't save me from a STS !!!

Have a good week !!

Diva x
at least you stayed the same DIva!!! I stepped on the scales today and I am not officially 12stone 3!!! How did I let this happen? In the space of 2 or 3 weeks I have piled on almost 10 pounds!!!! So its official as of today. I must get to a sensible weight for Christmas. I am still dating but I have roped him in to a weight loss challenge for 4 weeks leading up to Christmas as he has piled a little on too. I think that might help motivate me. I just need to get myself in to the gym again. I should be climbing this week so that's a start as that kind of went out the window too. Enjoy thanksgiving.
How has everyone else been doing? xoxo
Only lost half a pound this past week!! Its all gone wrong but think it might be cos I am getting comfortable which is not good! Lets see what damage weigh in shows!! Hope youre all doing better xoxo
Hi FSO ! No, I got STS again this week !!! The weekends are sabotaging meeeee !!!! Got a sneaky WI tomorrow ( beginning of my next mini- mini challenge, lol !! ) then my next big WI on Monday as normal !!

I've started jogging a tiny tiny bit during my Dreadmill workouts, it's better than nothing, and I need to get back to it, or come January, the shock to my body will be massive! Lol !! Determined not to gain 7 lbs or more over Christmas and New Year !!! Just got another big invitation to a posh do next June ( early I know, but it's a big one ! They are soo organised !! ) so I want to be at target by then !!

Have a good weekend, I'm going to try and not devour the bloody fridge !!! If I manage to get my decs up I may have a drink or two !! ( I usually have the Christmas music blaring to get me in the tree putting up mood, etc and then a nice bevvy at the end to celebrate !! ) I had some Baileys last weekend for the first time in about two years and it was divine !!!

Diva x
Me again !! Just popping in to say I have finally got the scales moving in the right direction !! New challenge is happening !! Jog walked yesterday and about to do the same when I finish my coffee this morning. And I'm 199 so under that hateful 200 mark, woohoo !!

Did the decorations too, so beginning to feel really festive here !! Hehe !!

How is everybody ??

Diva x