If it was in the general Weekly Weigh In forum then others from around the boards would probably join in
Weekly Weigh In - MiniMins.com - Weight Loss Support Forum
well done and now enjoy your day..x
Next to the quote button press that and it turns orange.. Mmm does that make any sense??
I only discovered it 2 months ago myself lol
Maybe stop with the cheese hun?You are only tempting yourself even more and kidding yourself into a false sense of security that it is ok to do this and may even worse tip you over the edge for a binge and slow weigh loss.Im speaking from experience.Hello todays been good plenty of water ect but.....
Although I lost 10 lbs (first week) last week I kept eating cheese. A babybel here a piece of danish blue there and I can't stop it! I know it won't have an effect on ketosis I'm sure it will slow my losses down in the long run but I just can't stop! Help!! Does anyone else pick like this? I sort of kid myself by saying you can do it on the atkins?
Doesn't help that the kids are driving me mad argueing! Bloomin hormones! :sigh:
Maybe stop with the cheese hun?You are only tempting yourself even more and kidding yourself into a false sense of security that it is ok to do this and may even worse tip you over the edge for a binge and slow weigh loss.Im speaking from experience.
Maybe if your needing to eat cheese go onto ss+?
When you do loose weight and reach your target and you go onto a more healthier lifestyle,you will want to omit cheese as much as you can.
In 6 months time you will look back and think how quickly it went!!
You can do this xx
Cheers me dear I know you're right. I had my last piece of cheese this morning and that's it. The fact is I'm in ketosis so I don't feel hungry so its silly to eat it. I am a compulsive binger for sure and don't want to go down that road as things are going too well just now.
I appreciate the kick up the bum! I see you're starting Cd in a week or 2? What you doing now?xx
Im very very lucky in that my mum has agreed if I get back to my ideal weight she will pay for half of my boob job....I have never had such a big incentive! Maybe a big incentive is something to consider?
Good luck hun
Hi Rachele, Just thought I would pop in to see how you are doing and it looks like very well!
Have had some considerable blips myself lately and now have a very painful tooth socket so CC is out for today as well. Trouble is everyhting tastes really yucky with all the medication and mouth wash that I am having to use so at least I am not on a mad binge out self pity..........
Anyway, well done once again ...![]()
Hi Rachele,
Your doing great on CD so far. Is'nt it magical to see 14 on the scales and to say goodbye to 15 and hopefully for the last time too. All this talking of eating cheese is making me want cheese, cos im a veggie too so cheese would be the first thing I would go for - so feel your pain.
Im totally loving your diary and some of the things you have said its like a mirror of myself - weighing morning and just before bed to guess the next days weight. But eating the cheese is just comfort something to nibble on to feel like your still chewing. You mentioned atkins how about doing that after cd to maintain the weight you seem to know the principles of it - I do believe it would maintain ones weight IMO.
That sounds like a brill course, really interesting. If you dont mind me asking any special requirements needed for the course.....