New Starter

Hi shyvon wb! Chan I'm nowhere near my target! Still along way to go!! Think that's what I'm going to do sun... Do it for another week after Friday and refeed from 10th August... And see how I get on? Scared but ready for a break!!

Lost 27lbs in 5 weeks :)
Welcome on board shyvon:)
Jen a bit of break might certainly help and then you can start again all refreshed :)
How are we all doing today? Only three days to go & I'm struggling a bit!! I'm wondering whether to start re-feed earlier but part of me thinks to keep going :) x
Understand chan... Think cos it's so close you think what's a couple of days!! Are u weighing Friday?

Lost 27lbs in 5 weeks :)
Hi Jeni :)
I will be getting weighed on Friday but not at the chemist as she said I didn't need to go back ,so I'm going to boots instead on my weigh to work that day :)
Maybe just try to hold out til Friday then? I'm Deffo only doing another week 100% gonna be re-feeding next weekend! Woooop!!! Hoping to get another half stone within these 2 weeks I'll be happy with 2 1/2 stone.. For now....!

Lost 27lbs in 5 weeks :)
Good luck with it Jeni :) I think I'll hold on till Friday :) what are we all up to tonight? I'm just going to get my hair done :) x
Hi chan, not up to much tonight really, just chilling :) rubbish day at work thinking its time to move on!!! But not honna fail on my diet - weigh in tomorrow - thats come round fast!!! Not inch hope for a lot this week :-(

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Ooo sun GL for tommora! Not up to much either... Should be exercising but I'm Nackered!! Moving boxes all day at work reacon that's my exercise for the day!

Lost 27lbs in 5 weeks :)
Hi ladies :)
Best of luck for tomorrow sun :)
I've not done any exercise yesterday or today either Jeni , I'm feeling too tired & in a lazy mood lol but I got my training session tomorrow afternoon so not too bad :) I think a good rest is needed now & again x
I agree! Not easy on this diet to have the energy or the motivation! Anyway I have to walk to work the next few days hub is stealing the car.. That'll be my exercise! I've been fine all day struggling now god I could eat! Bed it is then!

Lost 27lbs in 5 weeks :)
Evening :)
I feel great just had my hair done & I got to admit it looks lush:) I'm loving the new me.
I've not long got back in & I'm giving my 3rd shake a miss, it's too late & i don't want it, is that bad?x


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Ooo I just posted this in ur diary but I'll post it again!!! Woah chan! U look tiny!!! Time to get some tighter jeans hun!!! Hair looks great to blondy!!! Bet you feel great!!!
Don't know about the shake like u said bit late now... Not to worry you've only got 3 days left!!

Lost 27lbs in 5 weeks :)