Lots of peeps have left us rach..bell n daisy... Hope they're ok.. Sun will be fine shes on fire! Know shes gonna see this through! Makes me proud we've stuck it out tho!! Getting right into the Olympics! Watching bloomin basketball now.. Lol
Hey chan ur looking great!!! well done girl cxx soo proud of u!!
My phone seems to have stopped notifications when someone updates, hence my quietness xx
Jeni hope u r ok, jealous of u two refeedin soon lol / food is but a distant memory! My worst test do far had to be last night doing cheese on toast for him, with Worcester sauce :-( the smell, how it looked, the cheese bubbling oh my days I might have dribbled lol x but I got thro
Cheers Sun & it Looks us three remain here till the end& I hope the others are well to& even when I go on re-feed I'll still come in here girls to catch up with you x
Morning everyone!!!
Weigh in day today, not feeling as if it's gonna be good, so trying to wear my lightest clothes possible lol x
Hope everyone has a good day and glad that u still gonna come in here n chat x I will pop to your refeed thread as well
Cheers sun it's my own fault I've always suffered badly with my teeth mainly due to smoking from the age of 11 and haven't been for a few years due to cost and petrified of it. Now I've given up smoking for 11 months and losing my bulk I've become very conciense of my teeth.
Aw GL at dentist Sharon... Good job your off the food!!! Another reason for me to quit smoking!
GL sun!! I did that last week (light clothes) don't think it made any differance!! You think they'd mind if I stripped off this week!!! Lol!!
Chan 3 days aghhhh!!!! Bet your scared/excited!!
Well I walked to work this morning! Felt good for it but it slinged it down you wanna see my hair!!! Omfg!!
Well lost 4 this week, making 39 pounds in 5 weeks
Not quite my target of 5 pounds so my chemist has set me a goal of 6 pounds for next week!! She brutal lol xx
Need to get off my fat arse n exercise!!! Xx
Hope it all went well at dentist Sharon & well done on your weight loss so far Sun that's brilliant hope you are all having a good day.
I'm at work until 2ish & I'm finishing early as I got my gym session at 3pm but feeling a bit tired so I hope I can do it x
Weather is not great here either & it does make people feel down which sucks!
I'm not sure why I'm feeling so tired this week, it's strange! Not long to go though I think I'm ready for it x
Thanks ladies gonna get exercise mat from Argos tonight n get on that DVD!!! Need to do it now - 6 weeks to go!!!! Xxx I want another 2 stone off by god I do lol x