New Starters. Roll on up!!

3rd yummy day on the Atkins diet. Really hoping that ketosis starts this weekend. Just off to prowl round the site and read some posts - need to pick up lots of tips!
Big K right here Claire!! Last night :D:D:D:D
Found some fantastic recipies on a sticky too. Most are for after Induction, but that's ok. :D:D:D:D. Can't stop grinning!!
Hi all, had a great time at the beach, got my first and last tan of the year :( So I learned my lesson on pop or "fizzy drinks" as you guys call it ;) I was in such a hurry when I bought it the I accidentally bought regular Pepsi instead of diet Pepsi, the caffeine free is same color. I noticed the syruppy taste after drinking only one can over 2 days. Can you believe that there is 41 carbs in a one can!!! But still managed to lose 8 lbs in my first week on induction ( yay for me!) Glad to see that everyone is doing well, must go finish my barbequed ribeye steak with broccoli and butter. yummmmmmmmmmy. Have a great day!!!
LOL,now that;s a term I haven't heard in a long long time Kitten, :) I'll have to go and find a shabeen.

Morning bess, found the Big K then love. :D

Daisy, well done love, that's really good, You must be dancing! :bliss: :bliss:
good for you daisylou :) a loss is a lost even with the pepsi mix-up
Hi all
havent been posting all week , seem to have hit a brick wall with the weight loss, introduced nuts and seeds last week so think that might be it ,hitting the gym tommorrow , daughters first day of school...thought it was perfect time to join back gym!!!!Glad to see everyone doing so well ...and hello to all the newbies that have arrived since i last posted...:)
Hey all, just had to share with you the most amazing snack ever. Jalapeno pepper sliced length wise, guts scooped out, fill modestly (to prevent spillage) with a mixture of cream cheese, green onions, shredded cheese then topped off with cooked crumbled bacon. Baked in the oven till golden brown on top. It was so good!!!! I only made 2 peppers because I wasnt sure of the hotness of the peppers after they were done, but they were just perfect. I will certainly make these again. Hope everyone is having a great week. mine's great: I just started a new job today, it's 33 degrees Celsius outside and I'm down a few more lbs. Cheers :)
Morning all, sounds great daisy. :)
Way to go daisy :)
our new atkinsers thread seems to have died a bit of a death :) so i'm starting it up again :)

unfortunately i seem to be GAINING weight, not losing it... over the last 10 days i've gained 3 lbs apparently... i've checked for carb creep, there is none... i haven't been great with my water in the last couple of days, but i'm feeling rather disheartened... i have been feeling rough since i started atkins with various things, and i may have to concede that it isn't for me. but not yet :) i'll give it a few more days and up my water. i find it so easy and it worked so well initially that i don't want to give up!!

abz xx
I always underestimate the effect of water consumption, abz. That's why I think booze stalls me, because it dehydrates and then makes me retain water, and it takes a week or so of really hammering the water (that's 3litres a day for me) to flush everything out and see a result on the scales.

As you say, try upping the water and see what happens. Good luck with it!
is it possible for urine to be too dilute for ketones to show on a stick? Or, I had one of those "Frankenfood" low carb bars with only 3 net carbs, could that be the cause of negative to trace results on the stick? I have drank tonnes of liquids today and nothing off the induction menu except for that bar. What gives???
Daisy, if you've been drinking loads of fluids then there's a chance that they're diluted n so won't show on the stick. The sticks aren't the best way of telling really, if you're not hungry n feel good then chances are you'll be in it. There aren't different strengths of it as such, basically you either are or aren't in it and if you're sticking to induction levels of carbs then the chances are that you will be in it. Hope this helps, please try not to fret too much with the sticks. Best time to check is in the evening a couple hours after you've eaten.
well chaps. i'm signing off. after a month of atkins i need to come off it, sort my hormones out, they are all over the place. but i'll keep popping in to see how you are doing. best of luck :D xx
daisylou - I very rarely go purple. I think my urine is too dilute and also, if you exercise a lot you can sweat out the ketones so there will be even less in your urine.

Abz honey we will miss you! Aww, too many leavers lately... :( Good luck sorting your hormones out, I know how weight loss can really mess with them. You have a much more important task at hand though! All the best. x
Good luck Abz, be a shame to see you go but totally understand :D Some things are just way more important! Let us know how you're getting on, take care n fingers crossed for you! ;) x
abz sorry to see you leave also but you have to do what's best for you. I did a modified atkins so that's why I say I do a low carb diet because I dont follow the atkins to the "T" because I ate some foods that weren't allowed on induction I just counted my carbs and it worked very well for me. Now I'm on OWL and I'm still counting carbs but eating things not necessary that are safe food like more fruits.. I hope you find a weight loss solution that best for you and please keep us posted.. big hugs