Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Another upsetting discovery: only 1lb lost from my waist! I'm feeling very fed up today I don't know why. I've been bobbing along nicely and now I'm down in the dumps. Hopefully men in shorts will cheer me up this afternoon. The 6 Nations is back and I love my rugby!

Hi Sal sorry you are feeling a bit down you can see you have lost weight from the comparisons and definitely the ones from the side! Keep it up Hun you have done really well! X
Hey everyone

Hope you all okay and hanging in there weekends are always difficult I find.
Had a traumatic day yesterday. Got up feeling grim - awfully weak and drained despite being 100% and I went to work. Didn't feel ill just not right if you know what I mean and horrendously tired despite being in bed by 9.00 the night before.

Anyway I ended up fainting in work. Wasn't out for long and luckily was in the office with a friend so she helped me and did my blood pressure and it was really low and I'm also really anaemic so after alot of persuasion I had to eat something. I kept it high protein and I wont mention it here but i felt so much better. I think I might have to do 810 or 1000 until I get this anaemia sorted. I am on tablets but they haven't kicked in yet.

This is the 3rd time I have done this diet and that's never happened before but the other twice I wasn't anaemic when I started it.

So im doing 810 this weekend to give me some energy and then will go back and try ss from Monday. Ive still got so much to lose to go back to conventional dieting :cry:
Hang in there everyone

Jessica I am sort to hear you fainted and were poorly! I think that you have made a good decision to do 810 whilst you are anaemic! You may also need some iron! I hope you start to feel better Hun x
Home - finally! Totally random day, but a good one on the whole (apart from being too fat and having feet too big for the boots I loved :( ). Went to a vegan cafe for lunch and had mixed leaf salad...which was fine until a slug crawled out of my friends salad!!!! Suddenly lost my appetite after that! Neither of us ended up buying anything at all, though was just nice being able to look in shops without whiney children. Got completely lost on the way home and ended up driving home via some interesting country roads :eek:

Going to bed now. Child free for another 12 hours and I am off to bed at 9.30pm on a Saturday night. Don't know what to tell you other than I am completely shattered. Took a front and side pic in the changing rooms of a shop earlier - bleurgh. Can't wait until I am ready to take some nicer ones!

Hi Cazza sorry to hear your trip to Brighton was a little disappointing and the extra bonus of a slug! I would have also lost my appetite!! I sometimes when I go out to buy I come back with nothing and at times I don't I see loads I like!

I am sure next time you go you will come back with some new clothes! X
I've actually sat and cried this afternoon because i feel so crappy. This is not like me at all, I'm sure it's just my hormones sorting themselves out but I'm not happy right now. I'm actually now having a proper period, so I hope it's just the beginning of the end of this drama. I've got full on lady cramps and back ache too. This is right about the time where I want carby comfort food, but I will resist!! I've got my hot choc mint shake instead.

I hope this feeling passes soon and also hope the scales start co-operating again. I don't need all of this in one go. I could cope with no losses if I didn't have the whole period business and nights to contend with.

Sal, we all have bad days and that is what we are here for to listen and help each other! Am sure it is mostly down to your hormones! I hope that you wake up tomorrow and feel a little better! Keep you chin up Hun we are all here for you x
I worked yesterday which is unusual for me as normally work Mon to Friday so seems like the weekend has flown by! Been on SS+ since thursday but it's funny I am enjoying it but seem hungrier not sure why this is? I am hoping for a good loss this week but will have to wait until Wed eve to find out how I have done?

Got an early start tomorrow as have an 8am meeting at my head office then off to West Sussex so a long day for me! I will make sure I take a bar with me and have a milkshake after my meeting at head office or I will struggle not having any products!

Had to put some jeans in the charity bag today as they are a bit big this was a real boost as back in some of my smaller jeans!

Take care girls and here is to a good week! X
I'm sure as Theresa said it is a lot down to your hormones Sal. Stupid hormones!

Well done on disposing of the jeans Theresa - must be an amazing feeling!!!!

So after a long tiring day yesterday walking round Brighton, today I spent a long tiring day walking round the zoo!!!! A brilliant day out but a good 2 1/2 mile walk up and down hills - felt good though! Then stopped at Sainsbury's on the way home...and bought 2 pairs of trousers! Both size 22 and haven't tried them on just yet, but at £8 each I am hoping I will be able to wear them for a while, then shrink out of them pretty quickly!!!!

I have identified a cause of some of my frustration I think. Yes I have lost over 2 stone now, but I regularly fluctuate between 22st 7 and 25st, so I guess I am still within my buffer zone at the moment. Don't think it will be real until I get in to the 21's and beyond...

I was also a teeny tiny bit naughty and ordered myself some black velvet DM's online! Wanted to buy them yesterday but couldn't find my size anywhere - then found them online for less than I was going to pay! So feeling pretty happy about that. My 2 stone gift to myself!!!!
Also I seem to have finally slipped in to the no hunger zone... only took 4 1/2 weeks!
Feeling rather lonesome tonight. Don't often have a problem with being on my own, but today I'd give anything to be snuggled up on the sofa with someone. My (younger) step-brother got engaged last night to his long term girlfriend - think that is part of what has prompted this feeling :(
Feeling rather lonesome tonight. Don't often have a problem with being on my own, but today I'd give anything to be snuggled up on the sofa with someone. My (younger) step-brother got engaged last night to his long term girlfriend - think that is part of what has prompted this feeling :(

I know that feeling well Caz, not felt it for a while but it's definitely no stranger to me. You'd think I'd have some helpful advice but sadly not! I just wallow in self pity when I feel like that :( hope it passes soon.
I know that feeling well Caz, not felt it for a while but it's definitely no stranger to me. You'd think I'd have some helpful advice but sadly not! I just wallow in self pity when I feel like that :( hope it passes soon.

Yup, me too. It, like everything else, will pass again soon enough. I don't want another messed up, sorry excuse of a relationship just to fill the void of being alone. I am prioritising the diet right now and not even bothering to look around.

I got told by a drunk tramp in Brighton yesterday that I "have curves in all the right places" lol
I got told by a drunk tramp in Brighton yesterday that I "have curves in all the right places" lol

Your lucks in after all!! I'm focussing on dieting and getting myself sorted out before I can even entertain the thought of relationships again. I'm just not mentally prepared for the whole mind fcuk that goes with dating and getting into relationships. I can't cope with men and their game playing!
Completely empathise with that!
Ok getting annoyed now!!! Started getting some energy back... Unfortunately this seems to happen about 2am. 3 times in the past week I have woken around 2am and failed to get back to sleep. This morning I woke at 1.30am!!!

Seriously, I walked mile this weekend, I spent all day yesterday out in the fresh air. I should have been knackered!!!! Instead I anticipate being knackered around 11am and struggling through work. Argghh can't win.

I wanted some more energy back, but not quite like this... Might have to pick up some Nytol today!
Ok getting annoyed now!!! Started getting some energy back... Unfortunately this seems to happen about 2am. 3 times in the past week I have woken around 2am and failed to get back to sleep. This morning I woke at 1.30am!!!

Seriously, I walked mile this weekend, I spent all day yesterday out in the fresh air. I should have been knackered!!!! Instead I anticipate being knackered around 11am and struggling through work. Argghh can't win.

I wanted some more energy back, but not quite like this... Might have to pick up some Nytol today!

Oh the joys of ketosis. Wide awake in the middle of the night is not one of the more pleasant side effects. Do you use tetra's? I always find a chocolate tetra, halfed, and topped up with hot water helps me dose off at night.
Well today I feel like Sh!it ran over twice. I'm shattered despite going to bed early last night. My period is now unbelievably heavy! Ive never had one like this before, I know it's TMI sorry. I feel sick and dizzy and like I'm going to burst into tears at any moment. And that lb I gained is still hanging around :cry: I am so fed up I just want to curl up in a ball and cry :(
Hello all. I have uploaded my pic for you. This is me and my mum on our wedding day xxx

Wow, WD, you look beautiful! :clap:

Congratulations! Hope you had a lovely day!
Well today I feel like Sh!it ran over twice. I'm shattered despite going to bed early last night. My period is now unbelievably heavy! Ive never had one like this before, I know it's TMI sorry. I feel sick and dizzy and like I'm going to burst into tears at any moment. And that lb I gained is still hanging around :cry: I am so fed up I just want to curl up in a ball and cry :(

It's all got to be connected, I think. I'm wondering whether you need to join Jess on the iron pills. You poor darling, I'm so sorry you're feeling so rough.

Don't worry about TMI - most of us have been there, and those of us who haven't will have it to look forward to. :cry: It will sort itself out eventually but you may need to visit the doctors to get yourself some tranexamic acid to dry things up. I went through a spell of this a few years ago and my sister experienced the same thing last year. Just hormones all over the place, unfortunately. That'll be what the water retention is all about too (it has to be water, it can't be anything else).

Hugs :hug99:
I had wondered about needing tranexamic acid, I'll give it a week and see what's what. I'd like to just stay at home and curl up in my bed until its over.
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