Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Losses comparison:
...........2008....... 2013
Week 1 23lb........16lb (2008 loss first week was 9 days)
Week 2 5lb (28lb) 6lb (22lb)
Week 3 7lb (35lb) 5lb (27lb)
Week 4 1lb (36lb) 3lb (30lb)
Week 5 6lb (42lb) 4lb (34lb)
Week 6 5lb (47lb)
Week 8/9 HOLS
Week 10 3lb (50lb)
Week 11 7lb (57lb)
Week 12 2lb (59lb)
Week 13 8lb (67lb)
....then it all went wrong!

Hmmm. So if your 2013 restart had also been 9 days you might have lost 18lbs.
Which would've made your 2013 week 2 loss 4lbs.

I dunno, it's not as dissimilar as it first appears.

But maybe we need to up the ante on positivity. :) Maybe we need to do some self-hypnosis and visualise ourselves slimmer. :) And hey, we're all on about the same week and having more or less the same problem. So maybe the moon is in Uranus (that would explain a few things... ;))
I'm fed up with feeling hormonal, I'm sick of bursting into tears for no good reason, I'm not depressed, it's definitely down to hormones. I want my life back!!! I want my diet to work!!! I don't my CDC to think I'm back to my old tricks again.

Sorry for going in about it on here but it's really the only place I can vent. Everyone else seems to be blaming 'that crazy diet' for my disfunctional monthlies.
Caz I've found myself doing the same thing, comparing first time with now and it's just not measuring up at all :( How long can my body hand on to this weight? It's showing no sign at all of dropping, I'm doing nothing different, having all my packs and all my water. I'm slightly worried that I'm stuck here now :eek: I'm starting to wonder what the freaking point is! Even a lb or 2 loss would be great but this 1lb gain is seriously getting me down. How the heck do you gain on a VLCD???????

Work was less chaotic today, just as well because I've been tired all day again. I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow so early start and late night. Followed by a night shift on Thursday and then the weekend sleeping I feel.

Oh well I've had my god daughter to visit tonight, even she's picked up on my mood, she asked my why I was so sad? She's 3 for god sake!! She gave me a big hug which was lovely, bless her.

Sal, you know what the point is. None of us do too well on any other diet, God knows we've tried. This works. We keep hanging in there and the weight is going to, absolutely definitely, going to come off. :clap:
I'm fed up with feeling hormonal, I'm sick of bursting into tears for no good reason, I'm not depressed, it's definitely down to hormones. I want my life back!!! I want my diet to work!!! I don't my CDC to think I'm back to my old tricks again.

Sorry for going in about it on here but it's really the only place I can vent. Everyone else seems to be blaming 'that crazy diet' for my disfunctional monthlies.

If your CDC dares to say anything negative we'll send the boys round. And the crazy diet has nothing to do with your dysfunctional monthlies - you've been having trouble with them ever since you went on that blasted mini-pill.

Hugs :hug99:
Thanks Lily. I've taken myself to bed to watch Supersize!! I've had my first argument with myself on the way home about stopping at the shop and buying the naughty brown stuff. I actually pulled up outside then drove off again I came so close. I had it in my mind that if I'm going to have a gain I might as well enjoy getting it. Crazy thoughts and I know this will work but I'm feeling myself slipping back into my old mindframe. I want my positivity back!! I want the light at the end of the tunnel. I don't want much do I???
Ooh, Cazza - like your sticker!

(this one, for those who haven't got siggies turned on)


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Oh oh oh yeah, check this out!563364_10152509507385543_431514043_n.jpg
I've just been reading about Cerazette on the web, seems how I'm feeling is all down to the pill and lots and lots of women suffer like this!!! Bad news is that this bloody (no pun intended) period could go on for weeks yet, according to these women's experience. Also some experienced weight gain initially and mood swings when they stopped taking it! B@st@rd pill, why the hell don't they warn you about all this?? Light spotting is certainly not how I'd describe it!

So I have to put up with all this nonsense for a while yet. When I came off microgynon it was a breeze, just back to normal immediately, no side effects, nothing! I want my old pill back! I need to work out when I can get an appointment with the sensible nurse not the crazy one who put me on this hideous thing. In the mean time I'm going to get some tranexamic acid to try and stem the flow of doom! Apparently you can get it OTC now for heavy periods! I guess sometimes working in a hospital has its perks, will ring pharmacy tomorrow and find out for certain. It won't do anything for my crabbiness but it might help I don't know.
Just sorting the bleeding out will help you feel a lot better I am sure. I took cerazette years ago - didn't have all this that you have been going through with it, but did have one issue with it... she is now 5 1/2 years old and currently refusing to go to bed *sigh*
Just sorting the bleeding out will help you feel a lot better I am sure. I took cerazette years ago - didn't have all this that you have been going through with it, but did have one issue with it... she is now 5 1/2 years old and currently refusing to go to bed *sigh*

I think it will help a lot. The two friends of mine who are on it have never had any problems either, which worried me but having read about all these other women going through the same thing I feel a bit better. It's crazy how a tiny little pill can do this to a person! I was starting to think I'm crazy!
One of my Consultants clients made them! Got cambridge approval to use the logo and all that. Think they could really take off!!!!
Too right they could! And they need to make some for forum use as well (mine definitely haven't received approval :D).
Another day another train :( Still, the sun is shining and cos I'm sitting in a coach that is half 1st class and half standard (where I am) I can access the free WiFi. Can't complain.

Cazza, sorry to hear about your arm. That must be very frustrating and a little bit scary at the same time. Hope the Nytol worked at least!

I should have avoided the scales this morning (why oh why did I stand on them when I said I wouldn't??) cos the pound that I dropped yesterday went back on again this morning. WTF? Still, the dress I'm wearing is definitely looser than it was last time I wore it. Clothes don't lie, thank goodness. Stupid scales. That's it now, I really won't get back on them until Saturday.

Train is of course running late so I'll have to leg it to the tube when it gets into London otherwise I'll be late for my meeting. Still, exercise is good, isn't it? Arriving hot and bothered not so much though!

Have a good day all! :)

Lily hide those scales! You naughtily young lady! Glad you feel better in your dress! I think clothes fitting better are a great motivator! Hope you had a good day x
Put your hands up and step away from the scales lady. We can do this the hard way or the easy weigh (see what i did there?) :)

I'm on day 3 now and had a rather significant bleed last night. I always bleed day 2/3 of a restart, why is that? Rergardless of when I last had my period, I always end up bleeding???

Hi Hun, not sure about the bleed have had to have hysterectomy so thankfully do have monthly's any more! Hope yours sort themselves out! Day three well done Hun x
Caz I've found myself doing the same thing, comparing first time with now and it's just not measuring up at all :( How long can my body hand on to this weight? It's showing no sign at all of dropping, I'm doing nothing different, having all my packs and all my water. I'm slightly worried that I'm stuck here now :eek: I'm starting to wonder what the freaking point is! Even a lb or 2 loss would be great but this 1lb gain is seriously getting me down. How the heck do you gain on a VLCD???????

Work was less chaotic today, just as well because I've been tired all day again. I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow so early start and late night. Followed by a night shift on Thursday and then the weekend sleeping I feel.

Oh well I've had my god daughter to visit tonight, even she's picked up on my mood, she asked my why I was so sad? She's 3 for god sake!! She gave me a big hug which was lovely, bless her.

Bless you Sal, I can understand your frustration, I know I would feel the same! Sounds like you have a busy couple of shifts ahead too I hope you get through them ok Hun x

It's funny how kids are sensitive to people's emotions bless her giving you a hug, I think I may have cried if this was me, then I am such an emotional person I cry at the drop of a hat!

Hope you have a great loss next weigh in Hun you really deserve it x
I've just been reading about Cerazette on the web, seems how I'm feeling is all down to the pill and lots and lots of women suffer like this!!! Bad news is that this bloody (no pun intended) period could go on for weeks yet, according to these women's experience. Also some experienced weight gain initially and mood swings when they stopped taking it! B@st@rd pill, why the hell don't they warn you about all this?? Light spotting is certainly not how I'd describe it!

So I have to put up with all this nonsense for a while yet. When I came off microgynon it was a breeze, just back to normal immediately, no side effects, nothing! I want my old pill back! I need to work out when I can get an appointment with the sensible nurse not the crazy one who put me on this hideous thing. In the mean time I'm going to get some tranexamic acid to try and stem the flow of doom! Apparently you can get it OTC now for heavy periods! I guess sometimes working in a hospital has its perks, will ring pharmacy tomorrow and find out for certain. It won't do anything for my crabbiness but it might help I don't know.

Oh Hun yes sounds like you need to go back on your other pill you should not have to feel like this, before my hysterectomy I used tranexamic acid and this really helped! I also had some injections to stop the never ending bleeding as I was anaemic and these worked wonders! Not sure what they were called though!

At your hospital is there a Gycnelogical clinic we have one that you can walk in for support? They maybe able to help you?

Hope you get it sorted out Hun x