Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Well done. I am off plan after a planned and an unplanned operation in the space of four weeks! Won't be long and I can go back on, but off on holiday in a fortnight so will return to cd when I get back! Still 7st down from beginning of the year, only regained 2lb from lowest weight!!!

That's really good progress Cazza, you're doing so well... And 7 stone... WOW that's amazing progress...

If you've only gained 2lbs whilst going through two ops you'll be fine on your hols too :)
Well-I'm back...once again...sigh.I failed last time and ran away so I'm back now and determined and enthusiastic to get going once more.I'm doing slim and save and exante at the mo but will be returning to cambridge I think once my BMI drops below 40.I had a banana shake today and a black coffee and a black tea and some water(going to buy a posh bottle later) and feeling good.I know this week will be hard and the first month will be too and then after that it's plain sailing so if I can just keep going for a month I should be OK.I have found all my old progress pics as inspiration and am determined to get back to that and then below that.
I am giving myself a year to lose as much as possible.After that...we shall see.My doctor has been really pushing me to have weight loss surgery but that option terrifies me so here I am.My knee is hurting so much I can barely walk, I have developed fallen arches(worse on my right foot-and interestingly it's my right knee that hurts) and I am sick of not being able to walk far or bend down properly or sit on the floor and get up again.I am sick of life passing me by because I physically cannot do things.
Welcome back! Sorry been off on holiday and only back last night. Been off plan since May due to surgeries but will be starting back next week to get the rest off! How are you doing so far?
Well done!
Not a member of this team but well done for getting back on the wagon Slim :)

My team members have gone AWOL!!!

Seems like I'm the only one left not sure if they're sticking to it or not. Hey ho
I am streaming with cold :( bleurgh. Stupid chilly England
Me too. Appointment booked to see Cambridge lady Tuesday evening so starting a week today. Argh!!!
Hu everyone,
I'm looking for a team to join in the CD fun :rolleyes:
I've re-re-re-restarted today, never got to goal, and I've decided to take things one day at a time.
My problems are :
1 - kids and fixing their meals
2 - business luncheons

It starts with nibbles and ends up in "normal sized" portions of carbs :confused:
The thing that has changed this time around is that I've told EVERYONE i was going to diet, and I'm not fixating on a goal date, so this will hopefully help me feel less like a failure and keep me going!

Hope I can get lots of help from my fellow team members on here!
Welcome and be prepared to be told off if you nibble so much as a crumb :D It's so much easier with support.

I had a crap day yesterday when my ex told me that despite asking me for another chance and to marry him last week, he's actually been lying to me for 2 years and has been with the woman he cheated on me with and loves her more than me and wants to be with her.As you can imagine my world came crashing down and I am gutted.I'm not going to write more than that as I'll just cry again.But despite this I am sticking to my diet and will continue to do so.
AWW man! I'm so sorry Hun! Tough times, but YEAH for you not losing focus, you are doing this for YOU, not him... so just for that be xtra proud! I'm raring to go, so I will be on here quite a bit if you need to rant! just stick with it one day at a time, even when life interferes :(
ok, so right about now is the WORST time for me!! i could just scream!! evenings are so tough for me :cry::cry::cry:
breaks just about ALL my resolves!
Anyway, I'm just on day 1, so I'm giving myself 5 days before I stop being such a wimp! I'm just felt like i need a good scream
Thought I'd better come and show my face again in here. Going it come rely alone has got me absolutely NOWHERE!!! Won't bore you with the details but I'm back to where I was in January!

I'm undeterred, I'm not giving up but I need help. I don't want yet another fat Christmas!! Also my brother has informed me that he's filming every waking moment of our next Florida holiday, so being fat is not an option at all!! Besides I want to be in the holiday photos, I've been to Florida twice and have very little evidence to prove it.

These are a couple of the few photos I have, and I'm not prepared to have photos like this next time, NO WAY.


I want this back


I want this back


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Thought I'd better come and show my face again in here. Going it come rely alone has got me absolutely NOWHERE!!! Won't bore you with the details but I'm back to where I was in January!

I'm undeterred, I'm not giving up but I need help. I don't want yet another fat Christmas!! Also my brother has informed me that he's filming every waking moment of our next Florida holiday, so being fat is not an option at all!! Besides I want to be in the holiday photos, I've been to Florida twice and have very little evidence to prove it.

These are a couple of the few photos I have, and I'm not prepared to have photos like this next time, NO WAY.

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I want this back

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I want this back

OMG Surfhunny, Do I HEAR ya! - same thing over here... feels sad though when faced with the reality that we're more or less right back where we started... and I remember saying uh-uh not me! Like, NO plan was more like it!
So I ask you this... WHAT is going to change this time and make it different? The same question I asked myself and TBH I don't have the answer to that one yet :cry:
And that's never going to change,

I'm a carb-addict - I can more or less control this
I love wine - I can sometimes spiral out of control
Exeercise - I'm usually pretty good, but I think I have to go for a team sport, going solo gives me no support, and then I get in a rut

And the vicious cycle starts again. I have spent too much time, too much money... I'm an addict, if it's not food, it's something else. I realise it, but even as I type it out I'm trying to convince myself my problem's not that bad

So instead of jumping all gun-ho, I'm taking it one day at a time... I think I might even try therapy this time​
I'm an addict too, food and shopping, better still shopping for food!!! It's ridiculous!! No I have no plan for not getting back to this state again. It seems to be less of a problem the thinner I am. I find it easier to be in control when I've got a thinner figure to maintain. I don't think "Oh fcuk it what's the point" like I do when I'm heavier. I need to just keep going, not give up and not give myself permission to eat!

Right now I HATE what I see in the mirror, it's a big fat woman, it's not me! This is my pledge, every Wednesday morning I will post a picture of my scales and the number on it. That way there's no hiding and ill have to be accountable!