Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Finished my b12 loading injections. Really think I have pernicious anaemia! Think my mum had it too. Have started giving the kids some sublingual b12 too!
Don't know much about pernicious anaemia I am afraid? Can it be treated?

Well done on 12lb off Slim - so pleased for you! Hopefully you are over the worst now and it will be plain sailing from now on :)

Another 2lb down this morning - happy days! Only 1 more pesky pound to lose to get back to my weight 10 days ago when I came out of ketosis - huzzah!
slim2012 said:
I think you have to keep having b12 injections with pernicious anaemia.I could be wrong though.I had to have b12 injections a few times but it seemed to sort itself out thankfully.

Starlit-well done-you'll get there :)

I'm on them for life! Just finished my 6 loading doses. Have my next jab beg of August. Every 3 months from now on.
Right Nikki I'm here to kick your ass (and my own in the process)!!! As of Fridays wi I have got 5st 1lb to lose, because I too have spiralled out of control! But we can do it!! We've done it before.

I've got a weekend off planned at the end if the month for my birthday but that's it, onwards and downwards. I'm determined to try and get myself out of this diet/binge/diet cycle and into a good mind set.

We need to bring this thread back to life again properly like it was when it was first started and get on with the task at hand, losing the weight!

Slim I left work at 1pm which was ok but I felt a bit guilty for leaving (wtf???) The equipment broke this morning and so my colleagues had to use another room which they're not used to. So I helped them set up and stayed for their first case but feel bad for leaving them to it. My immediate manager just dismissed them and told them to get on with it. He'd feel different if it was him.
Just weighed in at my pre op appointment at exactly 18st. That takes me to a loss of 93lb/6st 9lb. I'll take that :D
Well done Cazza that's a fantastic achievement!
Starlit_Cazza said:
Just weighed in at my pre op appointment at exactly 18st. That takes me to a loss of 93lb/6st 9lb. I'll take that :D

Fabby! I'd take that too! :D
Day 1 was pants! Have lost a bit though! Was more an 810 day!!!!!

So far its 11.38 and I've had 2 coffees as I e dropped the kids off watched dudes assembly then dashed to my dads house to clean, tidy and dress it. Just finished now. Run to the tip then pick up dude! Hair then it'll be 1.30! I'll have 1 1/2 hours til I pick up Emily from school. Busy busy day!
Usual busy day in your household then! I've hoovered, been on the phone to Virgin because while I was chatting to my brother earlier we realised I've had my modem and router since I moved in 9 years ago! The woman at virgin was surprised they even work still but they do... On the slow side but they still do the job. So now I've got a shiny new modem winging its way to me yay! Also they've upped my broadband speed to 60mb from 20mb because they don't even have that package any more lol. All of this and it's saving me £3 a month. Very productive chat with my lil bro :)

Weight wise I'm sts from Friday, no big surprises as I'm just treading water until after my birthday.
Cazza if you're reading this how did your op go?
Sorry forgot to post over here! Still have all four limbs so that's a start! Ended up requiring more extensive work than was planned. Ulnar nerve was subluxed (?) and very tight and not in cubital tunnel properly. So ended up having it transposed rather than released, so it now runs down inside of arm? Quite badly damaged tendons and muscle above elbow too so they have removed some, removed scar tissue and fixed what they can. Am assuming as you are medical background that this makes sense? If not, sorry!

Am in a backslab cast shoulder to knuckles. Not happy as it is very heavy! Will have it on for 3 weeks now due to extra surgery. Was due to have it for two. Back to see consultant in 3 weeks for cast off and check up etc.

No more than 20 minutes sleep at a time last night - combination of pain, general discomfort, hottest room ever and stupid dvt wraps that inflated round my calves every 30seconds all night!!!! Never seen those before! Still in hospital. Should have been day surgery but as I was out for so long and was in quite a lot of pain they decided to keep me in. Hoping to be leaving in next hour... Had to get physio clearance before I could leave. Physio finally came round, had a quick look and told me to keep wriggling my fingers 3 times a day. Less than 30 seconds in and out (reminds me of a man from my past ;) )
Wouldn't add these just now...


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Ah yes. The toast-and-protein-free breakfast coupled with peculiar-looking limb coverings. Bet you're glad to be free of the Robo-Teds. :D

Troops, I have returned to the SS fold. After rather too many weeks of wandering in the wilderness I've realised the grim truth that I need to lose weight pronto. Don't really want to admit how much I've put back on. Let's just say it's a lot and go from there... :rolleyes:

So, day one complete. I seem to have rather a lot of apple and cinnamon porridges on hand. Think I'm going to be pretty fed up with those by next Saturday (when I'm due to see my CWPC again).
Well done on day 1 Lily! You know you can do this.

Can't sleep. So uncomfortable. Grr
Well done on day 1 Lily! You know you can do this.

Can't sleep. So uncomfortable. Grr

Poor you. I bet. Are you still at your Dad's? Probably wouldn't do any harm to get up, pack a chair with pillows and watch some TV for a bit. Are you being looked after?
Yup. Still awake. Can't explain it. Even managed to get comfy. So tired I am hallucinating but brain won't click over to sleep mode. Wondering if it is weird reaction to tramadol as sure it's happened before!
So I am stuffed basically. Insomnia side effect of regular dose of tramadol. Extreme pain side effect of not taking it. Either way I am still awake at 3.35am... Ffs!