Hi Jade, how are you today? Last night I sat looking through this forum and found a few things that worried me, such as not having alcohol when in ketosis (so I was thinking how soon should we introduce carbs to make sure we are not in ketosis before Xmas, as I would like a couple of drinks over the 2 days without causing myself any danger!), also I went on to Exante website and noticed that on one page it said when doing Total solution to have food break after 4 wks and on another page of theirs it said Total can be done 'up to 3 wks and then a food break
must be taken'. I got myself so confused and panicked for some reason (maybe I was v tired too). Anyway I emailed Exante and they have confirmed a food break week should be done at 21 days if on the Total plan, so thought I had best let you know. I have informed them that their website and their leaflets sent out in the food packs are also showing the wrong time for food break! I slept terribly because I was going over and over when I'm going to stop this in time for enjoying Xmas, and what I am going to do about introducing other foods etc without gaining loads of weight. Do you know how long it takes to get out of ketosis once carbs are introduced again?