That sounds SO tasty!
There's an awful lot so wedding investigation going on in this thread at the moment! But some of the ideas do sound fab. Did you share the ideas with OH when he got back last night? Agree wholeheartedly with all those who have said spending crazy money on weddings isn't for them. For me the emphasis should be on the marriage rather than the wedding and these huge weddings always seem somehow to miss that. We rather went to the extreme with our wedding and I think only spent just over a £100, which included the marriage license, taxi to the registry office and a Mr Whippy ice cream each outside the registry office because we got there early! We didn't have guests, just two witnesses and told people after we had done it. I can't imagine having done in any other way and as simple and low budget as it was it was still an incredibly special day to us. And in some ways more so because we didn't go along with "expectations" of what a wedding is meant to be like.
Such a shame about the lack of crispy creme - that's surely worth a strongly worded complaint to the coach company!