I have 4 veggie kids and a veggie husband. Nursery and toddler food parties are always fun, I think most of mine have tried meat by default at some point. They do all have a choice, I would support them in eating organic free range meat but until they are old enough then as their mum I do what I think is best.
My oldest two have spoken to me at length about it and to family who eat meat and for now they both want to stay vegetarian. However teenage years may spark a change as they attempt to fit in. I hope they have the strength of character to make an educated choice. I'd like them to be vegetarian but I want it to be their choice because it's right for them just as being veggie is best for me.
Seeing my eldest eat a tuna sarnie at a christening was an eye opener, he didn't know it was fish but he didn't like it but then he doesn't like quorn fish either.
I was looking at the price of meat in a Tesco store at the till. A tiny joint was about £11. I could buy loads of quorn for that price. =-O
Changing diary again, to confuddle me again lol!