Yeh it's actually pretty common for children to decide to give up meat themselves when they make the connection between what they are eating and animals and no amount of convincing from their meat eating parents can change their mind. I think it's really fab children can make these kinds of decisions for themselves

that does seem a little unfair making young children be veggie when their dad eats meat :-/ to be honest I'm quite strongly against imposing any kinds of your own strong beliefs on children whether food / religion whatever though without explaining other options etc! If only everyone could be open minded the world would be so much better but sadly that's just never going to happen!
Hmm I'm thinking of moving back to my other diary as I got that moved to the silver section for a bit more privacy (need couple hundred posts on minimins to view it so all you would be able to just means strangers in the Internet world can't see it) would you all come follow me if I moved? X