New to slimming world, loads to loose, want to get healthy,

We are planning to go on a nice walk tomorrow round a broad will take some bread for the ducks, you are right when i used to do lots of walking sevral years ago meet the same people each day.

I've been wondering all day if a broad was a water thing or a hill/mountain - didn't bother looking it up on t'internet :p The feeding ducks clue has given it away, unless you've got some freaky kind of duck/mountain goat hybrid down (it is down from Manc' isn't it?) in Norfolk :8855:

Mmn, I understand the heightened awareness thing, all that adrenaline going all the while wears you out. I don't know anyone where I live now so sometimes everyone seems like a 'threat' to me... lots of reasons why, long story :sigh:

Anywho, glad to hear you're doing much better than you have been in the past *hugs*. Food sounds good too, I've not had hunter's chicken in ages and I've got leftover bbq sauce too - meal idea exchange my friend, cheers :D xx
^^Hehe we could start our own breed of mountain goat duck :)

I loved the bbq chicken that will be on my to do list again.

managed to walk round the broad (yep like a lake :) hehe) but was in fibflop-idiot i left my trainers and my breakfast (hard boiled egg and banana) near the door! :(

Day 4-Red day

No Breakfast- see above post:sign0007::sign0007:

Lunch-Olives-MY new fav food (1 syn) salad (lettuce, grated carrot, cabbage, cue tom, celery, pickles) 4 sliced of lean ham and the hard boiled egg ( i should have had for breakfast!

Tea- bread(HEB) turkey burgeres (low fat turkey mice garlic, woster sauce and an egg) with mushroom, peppers and onion and tomatoes

375 mls skimmed milk and a babybel light on mu burger (HEA)

muller light

Snacks walkers hoops and crosses (4 Syns) and 2 kiwis :) banana, frog cadburys chocolate (5 syns)

Drinks water and green tea, tea so far....
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Food looks great. Well done on the walk. Bet you feel great for going!
Thanks, Yep glad we went little man liked the swans :)

off to make a cuppa :)

Swans are scary :p

Burgers sound good, will probably have something similar for a red day this week - you finding things alright with red? x
The geece were worse they were going after big dogs like German shepherds in the water as they had young gosslings. they were well hissing!

Yep I think so hun, I am borderline with my thorid gland, when i saw the nurse from my pill check she said I may benefit from a low carb diet. Now I don't think cutting out anything is good for your body (just my personal view) so this is kind of half way, limit carbs, but as much many fruit and veggies which obvious have carbs in.

I think on the days when i see friends I will do green day as it we often do pasta dishes.... but all my friends are on holiday at the mo :(

I am so proud of myself, little one has got a cold and clingy, he keeps coughing has taken almost an hour to get down, I had a muller light yog... was still hungry had a cadburys freddo (5 syns) and was still hungry there was ginger cake and party right i could have eaten... No I had a banana :) I could have so easily blown it.

Oh yes, geese are truly evil also muwahaha lol

Hmn it used to say in the book you should have one green/EE day a week rather than all red so if it suits you to have the green day for your 'social' day that works out well enough :) Hehe, count your blessings, your friends will come back soon enough. I'm a saddo with no IRL mates left other than my O/H or family :boohoo: I'm too high maintenance :giggle:

Nice one on the sensible food choices - I tend to leave my 2nd healthy extras on red/green for those hungry moments later in the day :D Hope your poorly lad feels better soon x
It prob still says that I just prob havent read it properly. I am lucky have 4 really good friends ( 2 currently in Greece on hols, 1 at Butlins and one visiting family in London) who I have been friends with 14-16 years. All have little ones so fab to get advice off. They are all a size 10-14 though so no borrowing clothes, I am the "fat friend" but they are all so supportive, I know when I tell them about slimming world.

I am sure I could go all day without eating but once in the eve and I start I cant stop but even like now I know I have used my syns I can still have fruit as free food.

You'll get back to your size 12-14 self in good time, nice that they're supporting you :)

No going all day without eating - that would be stoopid :p
Day 5

Muller light and grapes :) I love the toffee flavour :)

home made free soup 2 x Nimble bread (HEb)

Turkey breast in BBQ I think :) , roasted pepper, courgette and aubergine

just had quark with 1/2 highlights choc mixed in with an apple on top

175 mils skimmed milk plus 1 babybel (HEA)

Syns highlights 2

Drinks, coffee, tea, water, hot choc-used the other half of hot choc.

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I have a zillion clothes really from 18+ so can wait til I get there.... baby awake! xxx
I like the toffee mullers too, great with a chopped banana and a crumbled up alpen light :D

Think the smallest things I've got is 22s for trousers/skirts and 16/18 tops - though haven't been able to wear those for at least 4 years now... in time we'll get there!

Hope you're having a good day with better weather than up here x
.... sorry that should have said 18 downwards.

Been for a walk to the shops with my mum and little man, had to meet my mum at the hairdressers about 20 mins walk away, that's defiantly the furthest i have been on my own, reading several post on here and I can see hoe exercise play a part, even if its only walking its good :)

I am waiting till hubby can take me to sainsburys, so I can get some alpen bars as i think someone said they were on offer. I had to give back my driving licence to the DVLA when i was in hospital last year and have a while to go yet before I get it back especially as they are going to swap over my tablets as quitepen id re-known for gaining weight, I am on 400mg I am cutting down to 300 mg already i am getting the side effects splitting head and feel sick I haven't even had lunch yep... but am off to have some veggie soup in a bit. I forgot how crappy the side effects were going on them, and oh joy once I cut right down I will be given another one, I wish my head was normal!

Ohh bought a nail polish up the shops a greeny color I haven't painted my toe nails since I was pregnant, last year I just didnt care with the PND when I get to 21.7 thats going to be my treat :)

I bought nail varnish yesterday (also for the first time in ages) - wanted something to do other than comfort eating last night lol Dark purply blue colour, v, vampy :D

Well done on your walk :) Did you see Fat Family Tree on C4 the other week? Walking makes such a difference to how our bodies deal with fat from our food so get plenty in when you feel able to.

Mnn good luck with the med changing over - if you're feeling bad keep having a moan on here, we won't mind :)

Getting excited for your first WI? xx
Ohhhhh I nearly bought purple (we had dark cadburys purple as our wedding color :)) I hope I am somewhere near my target weighed in yesterday mornings in PJ and it said 21.9, so hopefully lost some :) would be great if I could use the nail polish but think that maybe wishful thinking we will see.

No didn't see the tv program, I am glad walking helps though, I have done more in the last few days than i have done in the last month put together. Just got hubby to take the car EVERYWHERE. No more unless I am having a really wobbly day.

will moan away about meds-i know I need to be on them but stupid side effects, I am hoping as I loose some weight i will feel better about myself which in turn may help the PND/anxiety/ generalized anxiety disorder and the psychosis.

It's good to treat yourself. I plan a treat in the same colour as the SW sticker for every half stone. Just bought gorgeous high heel purple shoes to match the 3 stone and am looking for something in aquamarine to match the next one in a couple of weeks.
I like that idea matching the slimming world sticker award :) Ohhhhh new shoes :)
