At the end of week 2 it's another 3lbs and 3 inches

yeeey! And to think I've been building up to a carb blowout/relapse all week with cravings just getting stronger! Hopefully this will help keep me on track for this week
Other than that, this week has been going well. I'm into the routine of shakes and soups and doing SS+ really helps throughout the day when my tummy starts attention seeking. Just looking forward to something to eat is nice. However-tried the quorn mince tonight...... Will not be trying it again! It's just nothing like the real thing

oh well, plenty of other things to choose from. They're actually quite big portions. I was expecting tiny amounts and having to invest in saucers to make it look bigger but they fill my dinner plate (granted I used to pile up the dinner plate).
Went out to the cinema last night and I bet the people around me thought I'd lost my marbles the way I kept leaning over the people in front smelling their popcorn! But I sat there with my water bottle and tetra chocolate shake. Saw 12 years a slave- very good film, but it's very harrowing and detailed, I left quite shocked -don't know why because there was nothing in there that I didn't already know. Still, the tetra pack was my saviour to sit and have something sweet while everyone around me was munching.
Oh and the best thing ever- remember those size 12 clothes I bought in the sales?? Well I can get them on!!! (Just) it's not particularly attractive, and I purposely got clothes that had a bit of give in them, but they get on and zip up

feeling very smug about that

still got a way to go before I can do the same with a pair of jeans (tried some old size 16 skinny jeans on at the weekend.... Definitely need longer for that one!)
Week 3 and I can finally have the bars

can't wait!
Hope everyone else is doing well! Xxx