Step 1 Sole Source + New year, New me!

Good Afternoon!!

How is everyone doing today? I have the worst headache ever!! Drank more water than ever though so i know its not that, looking forward to crawling into bed with Ben and catching up on tv,for one second i forgot i was on diet and went to write crawl into bed with ben and have a massive dominoes!! no wonder i am where i am today! xxx
Evening all. Just in and having fish and cauli. Don.t think I've drunk enough today. It's been really cold so not fancied the water much. Hope you managed to get the Dominoes out of your mind

Are you doing ss+ Jackie? I think i may do that over the weekend, i know your not supposed to mix and match but if it stops me going off the rails then its worth it.
Its so god damn cold, I have been having 3 black teas a day and its a great way to get your water intake without really thinking about it.
Hello all .... how was your dinner Jackie ? I also had a dinner last night i was doing them roast and thought right i'm having chicken brussels and carrot and swede , i know i should not have the carrot swede , i think i was just missing food and getting tired of water so coke zero i may not get a good weight result but just could not cope with it .
I have read on so many posts where people do the ss plus and the loses are not much different a month .
As with summwe its easier to get the water down .
My fan heater came yesterday , so saves putting all the heating on when its just me in when on this diet you get so cold , its hard to move away from it when you have to go do things lol
Well snow on its way , everyone excited lol noooooooooooooooooo .
I did ss+ last time after week 1 and i lost 7 lbs in the first week, it doesnt make any difference really to weight loss. The only thing is i found i was hungrier and more likely to pick and that is when i went off the rails!
Ben is kind of doing ss+ well he is making it up as he goes along! He is having 2 tetras in day then 2 boiled eggs and a soup when he gets home but CD said that was fine. he is kind of doing ss-, half and half lol.
Chicken sounds so good! Bens bday is a week on tues so we are having a planned night off for that! so excited already to just eat some food!

I wasn't sure about mixing it. There were a couple of evenings this week where I was a bit later in and would quite happily have just had a shake. Having said that I do quite enjoy the "meal" I finely chop up a spring onion and sprinkle it over it to give it a bit of flavour. I'm a bit stuck with chicken, fish, eggs as don't really like quorn, tofu etc. So far I'm ok with choosing between those 3...may get tedious after a while. I'm drinking black coffee mostly and have also done well with water today. Hopefully the scales will be kind to me at my weigh in tomorrow. I'm wearing a pair of trousers that cut me in half last week...they are bearable today so that's given me a boost. I have some lovely clothes that I want to get into. Some I've never worn cos I've bought them kidding myself that I was that size. Lets hope the snow gives us all a miss x
I don't think it matters too much as long as your in ketosis. I'm starting running club next thurs so I will definitely have a small meal before hand, some eggs, chicken or tuna.
I'm so down this evening! Feel like giving up but I'm just sipping away at my soup, I'm actually going to bed after as I want to wake up and feel positive again! Keep thinking in 11 days I can have a treat! Also I have said when I loose stone and half I'm treating myself to a colour and cut! May sound sad but nice to think of it as a treat!
I hope you're feeling chirpier today. It has got me down at times and I think this weekend will be a bit of a test. Had my weigh in and have lost 5lbs. Am happy with that and am going to really go for the water intake this week. Also have got a couple of the soups to try
Well done Jackie on your 5 thats great , its also my weigh in today at home today , i would have lost more but yesterday all day i came off plan , why silly me , i knew on thursday i was feeling sorry for myself , but friday felt fine and still woke with yeah i'm ok to carry on , but i didnt , so i've paid the price , i lost just 4 ..... i'm back on plan , just had black coffee , I had lose women on yesterday , well the woman who was on there whos lost alot made sense , she said that she was 17 stone now 10 and she said for anyone to tell you its good to be big is wrong and it feels awful to move around with that weight , i thought that really has hit home ,its horrid as your stuggling to move around its like a person on your back , thats what they said on there as Lisa is i thik 7 stone blimey .
So brush myself down and off i go again ....
good about the trousers Jackie .
skinnyB , sorry your feeling down , we all know that food makes us happy and now your feeling down because its gone , they said this in the fat programes what it does .... but in a weird way its making us unhappy outside . Glad you had a great way of dealing with that and saying your be 100%
Well no snow yet ..... really would like some as i'm noticing the streets dirty and dog poo on them , so need to kill them germs . but it cant stay more than a day lol
Well done Jackie on your 5 thats great , its also my weigh in today at home today , i would have lost more but yesterday all day i came off plan , why silly me , i knew on thursday i was feeling sorry for myself , but friday felt fine and still woke with yeah i'm ok to carry on , but i didnt , so i've paid the price , i lost just 4 ..... i'm back on plan , just had black coffee , I had lose women on yesterday , well the woman who was on there whos lost alot made sense , she said that she was 17 stone now 10 and she said for anyone to tell you its good to be big is wrong and it feels awful to move around with that weight , i thought that really has hit home ,its horrid as your stuggling to move around its like a person on your back , thats what they said on there as Lisa is i thik 7 stone blimey .
So brush myself down and off i go again ....
good about the trousers Jackie .
skinnyB , sorry your feeling down , we all know that food makes us happy and now your feeling down because its gone , they said this in the fat programes what it does .... but in a weird way its making us unhappy outside . Glad you had a great way of dealing with that and saying your be 100%
Well no snow yet ..... really would like some as i'm noticing the streets dirty and dog poo on them , so need to kill them germs . but it cant stay more than a day lol
So sorry to hear you had a bad day. I guess we have to expect them tho as we're only human. It's great if you've been able to get on track tho. My CDC said that the more water we drink the greater the weight loss will be. Not done at all well on that today tho despite my resolution. I feel cold and tired and hungry. Not sure if it's the diet or I'm coming down with something or cos it's so horrible outside. Just had a 5 minute nap. I don't think I will give in to food tho I haven't felt hungry for the last couple of days. I just fancy something tasty. I had the chicken soup at lunchtime. It wasn't at all bad but I didn't feel it filled me up like the shakes do
Good evening ladies,
sorry been a little quiet, bloody laptop is rubbish! I have felt absolutely poop all weekend! Kept really busy all day yesterday, and decided to so ss+ day so had a little meal last night and today. I have had to cups of tea with skimmed milk today and then a biscuit happened to fall into my mouth! Oooppps! Weigh in tomorrow morning, hopefully won't have done too much damage.
been super busy today as well as we have just brought a house so been collecting everything I have brought from eBay!
how you feeling today Jackie? I think it's probs the diet, I have felt like I have been coming down with something all weekendd! But last time I did I fell ill in week 2.
Msjmc- sorry you had a bad day, it happens as long as you can draw a line under it! Are you doing ss*? I'm going onto that tomorrow for good. Fingers crossed I'm good on it!
Good Morning. Had quite a good weekend on diet. Feeling much better now and no problems on diet at all except the poxy water which I haven't done too well with..again!!. But today's another day and I've downed 500ml in the last hour. I've got little bottles of it everywhere in the hope I can do it. Part of the problem is that I'm not generally a thirsty person so I don't think to drink. I've even thought about setting an alarm on my phone to remind me every hour or something.
SkinnyB I hope the weigh in goes well. I started on SS+ so don't know what SS would be like but I think I may have struggled on it so I hope you find it a bit easier
Ms MJC How's it going. Hope you're managing to hang on in there
have a good day
J x
Morning Jackie and MsJMC,

I lose 11lbs this week :) not going to say i have been 100% as somedays i have done ss+ and someday ss+ but still stuck to the diet, so im pleased! Ben lost 14lbs, so he is so happy about that! He looks so much slimmer already!

Last night i had seabass with a boiled runny egg, spinach and asparagus for dinner, yummy!!!

So much easier to do this bloody diet in the week! makes me resent weekends!

Jackie that is a good idea with alarm i have read on another post that they do that, im such a guzzler so do it without thinking.

Hope your all ok today!

That's a brilliant weight loss. Very well done. You must be over the moon. I've cracked the 2 litres today. Not going to pretend it was easy cos it certainly wasn't, particularly with the cold weather...but...I did it. Just got to try to do it every day now. Had a really bad night's sleep last night. It's hard to know what you can blame on the diet and what might be totally unrelated. Hopefully it'll mean i'll have a good sleep tonight. Earlier today I had a craving for something tasty. I always used to have boiled sweets with me, Werthers, Murray mints etc and there are times when I just miss the tasty things. It's not hunger. But I got over it without caving in. Quite a lot to keep me entertained on TV tonight { I'm a big Corrie fan } so I shall have a nice hot chocolate mint shake while that is on. x x
I must have missed both of you putting your weight losses! thats what happens when i try and read it on my phone! Well done on your 4 and 5lbs, did the measure you? I lost 1 and 1/2" from my hips which are my bad area so im extremely happy about that!

how are you both today?
I found that drinking my black tea my water intake is so much easier, i have 750cl just from that in a day, and its toooo cold to drink normal water atm :gen125:

I know what you mean, i took 3 days off work last time i did this as i was feeling terrible but didnt know if i was actually ill or the diet was making me feel so lousy! That was week 3, so i shall see how i am next week, one guy at work said i didnt look too good yesterday (gee thanks)!!

I went to sleep at 8 last night haha, got into bed at 6.30 :eek: was so cold so watching programmes on the laptop, only safe place where there is no food! I know what you mean about craving even when your not hungry, it does make you think how much you used to eat just for the hell of it, like im not hungry of an evening and i am surviving on next to nothing!

So sorry to hear you had a bad day. I guess we have to expect them tho as we're only human. It's great if you've been able to get on track tho. My CDC said that the more water we drink the greater the weight loss will be. Not done at all well on that today tho despite my resolution. I feel cold and tired and hungry. Not sure if it's the diet or I'm coming down with something or cos it's so horrible outside. Just had a 5 minute nap. I don't think I will give in to food tho I haven't felt hungry for the last couple of days. I just fancy something tasty. I had the chicken soup at lunchtime. It wasn't at all bad but I didn't feel it filled me up like the shakes do

Hello Jackie , well had a break and i'm going to try again tomorrow , i will catch up on everyones threads on here too see how everyone is doing , need a spur on . with that water theres been alot of talk on here about the more you drink the more you shrink , or need to see a shrink lol no that was a joke that bit , but people say if you drink the correct amount you should get a good loss ....
just going to catch up now brb
Hairdresser came last night so that was nice and easy as we just chat for England so no time to think of food. I also ended up not having my meal as by the time she went I couldn't be bothered so just had my last shake of the day. Before Cambridge if I couldn.t be bothered I would still have found the motivation to make a plate of jam sandwiches and a cup of milky coffee. Felt hungry at times today, have just had omelette and will probably have my shake soon. I have ordered a portable battery operated hasn't come yet. I much prefer the shakes that you make up rather than the ready made ones but taking the normal blender with me isn't always convenient. Not sure if it will be any good but will give it a try. If not it will be relegated to the back of the kitchen cupboard alongside other useless gadgets. Hope it's all still working for you
J x
Good evening ladies,
sorry been a little quiet, bloody laptop is rubbish! I have felt absolutely poop all weekend! Kept really busy all day yesterday, and decided to so ss+ day so had a little meal last night and today. I have had to cups of tea with skimmed milk today and then a biscuit happened to fall into my mouth! Oooppps! Weigh in tomorrow morning, hopefully won't have done too much damage.
been super busy today as well as we have just brought a house so been collecting everything I have brought from eBay!
how you feeling today Jackie? I think it's probs the diet, I have felt like I have been coming down with something all weekendd! But last time I did I fell ill in week 2.
Msjmc- sorry you had a bad day, it happens as long as you can draw a line under it! Are you doing ss*? I'm going onto that tomorrow for good. Fingers crossed I'm good on it!
Exciting stuff buying a house , when are you moving in ?
Well i've not been good at all i plan to return tomorrow i will do SSplus , i dont know what happened why i broke off , but at this rate i'm not going to get anywhere .
are you out for Bens birthday tomorrow ?
Do you think the diet is getting harder and a little boring now ? i think i found i needed to add milk and maybe thats why i have come off it was to strick , i will be walking more and sorting out my weight loss .
Hairdresser came last night so that was nice and easy as we just chat for England so no time to think of food. I also ended up not having my meal as by the time she went I couldn't be bothered so just had my last shake of the day. Before Cambridge if I couldn.t be bothered I would still have found the motivation to make a plate of jam sandwiches and a cup of milky coffee. Felt hungry at times today, have just had omelette and will probably have my shake soon. I have ordered a portable battery operated hasn't come yet. I much prefer the shakes that you make up rather than the ready made ones but taking the normal blender with me isn't always convenient. Not sure if it will be any good but will give it a try. If not it will be relegated to the back of the kitchen cupboard alongside other useless gadgets. Hope it's all still working for you
J x

Hello .... shows you we are not hungry on this , we just get fed up and think of bad foods , its all mental thoughts of food until we sometimes carring those thoughts out .
What did you have done to your hair Jackie ?
made me laugh about the Jam sandwhiches lol
Yes one day from another on here is never the same .
Well i will have to dust myself down and start again .
why ho why do i do this
Oh god ladies! Today I have been off the wagon!!! Had a milky coffee with 2 choc digestives! Then I had a cheese and pickle sandwich and tonight I had fajitas!! Gone completely mental! I was so fed up! Not too sure what to do! Hopefully after a good nights sleep I will feel ready to make a decision. I'm starting a running club tomorrow night which I'm so nervous about.
We should be moving in about 3 weeks but god knows! They seem hopeless! It bens bday next Tuesday sorry must have written wrong date, looking forward to having a nice meal :)